Crate dubins_paths

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Calculates a path between two points in space with starting and ending rotation requirements.

The car is assumed to be a dubin’s car. A dubin’s car is a car that can only do 3 things: turn left, turn right, or go straight.


§Basic usage

This will calculate the path that connects the current position and rotation of the car to the desired position and rotation.

use core::f32::consts::PI;
use dubins_paths::{DubinsPath, PosRot, Result as DubinsResult};

// PosRot represents the car's (Pos)ition and (Rot)ation
// Where x and y are the coordinates on a 2d plane
// and theta is the orientation of the car's front in radians

// The starting position and rotation
// PosRot::from_f32 can also be used for const contexts
const q0: PosRot = PosRot::from_f32(0., 0., PI / 4.);

// The target end position and rotation
// PosRot implements From<[f32; 3]>
let q1 = [100., -100., PI * (3. / 4.)].into();

// The car's turning radius (must be > 0)
// This can be calculated by taking a cars angular velocity and dividing it by the car's forward velocity
// `turn radius = ang_vel / forward_vel`
let rho: f32 = 11.6;

// Calculate the shortest possible path between these two points with the given turning radius
let shortest_path_possible: DubinsResult<DubinsPath> = DubinsPath::shortest_from(q0, q1, rho);

// Assert that the path was found!

§Sample path for points

Calculating the path is very optimized, and does not include any points along the path.

This means that if you want to get points along the path, extra work must be done.

However, if this is not needed, lots of time is saved.

Below, we calculate all points along a path spaced at a given interval. Use sample instead of sample_many to get only one point.

use core::f32::consts::PI;
use dubins_paths::{DubinsPath, PosRot};

let shortest_path_possible = DubinsPath::shortest_from([0., 0., PI / 4.].into(), [100., -100., PI * (3. / 4.)].into(), 11.6).unwrap();

// The distance between each sample point
let step_distance: f32 = 5.;

let samples: Vec<PosRot> = shortest_path_possible.sample_many(step_distance);

// The path is just over 185 units long
assert_eq!(shortest_path_possible.length().round(), 185.0);

// There are 37 points spaced 5 units apart (37 * 5 = 185)
assert_eq!(samples.len(), 37);


  • glam - Use a glam compatible API


  • pub extern crate glam;


  • All the basic information about Dubin’s Paths
  • The pre-calculated information that applies to every path type
  • The error returned when a path is not found
  • The car’s position and rotation in radians



  • Ensure the given number is between 0 and 2pi

Type Aliases§

  • The normalized lengths of the path’s segments
  • A type that allows the function to return either