Crate dualsense_rs

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Rust programmatic wrapper over HID messages sent and received by the PS5 DualSense controller.



Rust programmatic wrapper over HID messages sent and received by the PS5 DualSense controller. Allows support for simultaneous key presses or combos that require consecutive presses in a given time interval(wip).

Log details about the left and right sticks’ positions:

let mut controller = DualSense::default();

controller.on_left_pad_x_changed(&|lpx| println!("left pad x: {lpx}"));
controller.on_left_pad_x_changed(&|lpx| {
    if lpx > 127 {
        println!("left pad x in right region: {lpx}")
controller.on_left_pad_y_changed(&|lpy| println!("left pad y: {lpy}"));
controller.on_right_pad_x_changed(&|rpx| println!("right pad x: {rpx}"));

let handle =;
// can also add after the `.run()` call
controller.on_right_pad_y_changed(&|rpy| println!("right pad y: {rpy}"));
// make sure to join the thread so the program doesn't stop immediately


Output values are stored in an internal cache and will be sent in the following read/write cycle. Packets will not be sent if nothing changed.

let mut controller = DualSense::default();

let handle =;


Try examples for:

  • log_all -> log values for all buttons, analog sticks and touchpad
  • sensors -> log values for the gyroscope and accelerometer
  • triggers -> log values for the triggers and change their modes
cargo run --example <example>



  • Main struct used for interacting with the controller. Everything is thread safe to allow reading, writing, setting callbacks after the Self::run method is called and to send data.