initSidebarItems({"mod":[["daggy",""]],"struct":[["Connection","Describes a connection between two Nodes within the Graph: *input -> connection -> output*."],["Graph","A directed, acyclic DSP graph."],["Settings","Settings required for SoundStream."],["VisitOrder","An iterator yielding a **Graph**'s node indices in the order in which they will be visited when audio is requested from the **Graph**."],["WalkInputs","A walker object for walking over nodes that are inputs to some node."],["WalkOutputs","A walker object for walking over nodes that are outputs to some node."],["WalkVisitOrder","A walker type for walking over a **Graph**'s nodes in the order in which they will visited when audio is requested from the **Graph**."],["WalkVisitOrderReverse","A walker type for walking over a **Graph**'s nodes in the order in which they will visited when audio is requested from the **Graph**."],["WouldCycle","The error returned when adding an edge that would create a cycle."]],"trait":[["Node","Types to be used as a **Node** within the DSP **Graph**."],["Sample","A trait for working generically across different sample types."]],"type":[["Amplitude",""],["Dag","An alias for the **Dag** used within our **Graph**."],["EdgeIndex","An alias for our Graph's Edge Index."],["Inputs","An iterator yielding indices to nodes that are inputs to some node."],["NodeIndex","An alias for our Graph's Node Index."],["NodesMut","An alias for the iterator yielding mutable access to all node weights."],["Outputs","An iterator yielding indices to nodes that are outputs to some node."],["Panning","The spacial positioning of the node. Currently only supports Stereo or Mono. -1.0 = Left. 0.0 = Center. 1.0 = Right."],["PetGraph","An alias for the **PetGraph** used by our **Graph**'s internal **Dag**."],["RawEdges","Read only access to a **Graph**'s internal edge array."],["RawNodes","Read only access to a **Graph**'s internal node array."],["Volume","The amplitude multiplier."],["Wave",""]]});