Crate drying_paint

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The name ‘drying_paint’ comes from the expression “watching paint dry”. This module provides a system to “watch” some values for changes and run code whenever they change.

use std::{rc::Rc, cell::RefCell};
use drying_paint::{Watcher, Watched, WatcherInit, WatchContext};
// define a type to hold data
struct Content {
    dest: i32,
    source: Watched<i32>,

// define Watcher trait for the type
impl Watcher<'static> for Content {
    fn init(mut init: impl WatcherInit<'static, Self>) {
        // set up a callback that will be re-run when
        // the Watched data changes|root| {
            root.dest = *root.source;
// instantiate the content
let content = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Content {
    dest: 0,
    source: Watched::new(37),
let weak = Rc::downgrade(&content);

// create the Context
let mut ctx = WatchContext::new();

// dest was 0 when instantiated
assert_eq!(content.borrow().dest, 0);

// after adding the watcher, the callback has run (once)
assert_eq!(content.borrow().dest, 37);

// we can change the "watched" value
*content.borrow_mut().source = 43;
assert_eq!(content.borrow().dest, 37);

// and it will be updated when we call
// update on the context
assert_eq!(content.borrow().dest, 43);


  • A type which can be used from another thread to trigger watch functions watching an AtomicWatchedMeta.
  • SyncWatchedMeta is like WatchedMeta, however allows you to create a trigger which may be sent to other threads.
  • This represents some value which will be interesting to watch. Watcher functions that reference this value will be re-run when this value changes.
  • A Watched value which provides interior mutability. This provides correct behavior (triggering watch functions when changed) where Watched<Cell<T>> would not, and should be slightly more performant than RefCell<Watched<T>>.
  • A Watched value which provides interior mutability. This provides correct behavior (triggering watch functions when changed) where Watched<Cell<T>> would not, and should be slightly more performant than RefCell<Watched<T>>.
  • This represents some value which will be interesting to watch. Watcher functions that reference this value will be re-run when this value changes.
  • This provides the basic functionality behind watched values. You can use it to provide functionality using the watch system for cases where Watched and WatchedEvent are not appropriate.
  • The sender half of a watched channel.

