[]Trait druid::kurbo::ParamCurveArclen

pub trait ParamCurveArclen: ParamCurve {
    pub fn arclen(&self, accuracy: f64) -> f64;

    pub fn inv_arclen(&self, arclen: f64, accuracy: f64) -> f64 { ... }

A parametrized curve that can have its arc length measured.

Required methods

pub fn arclen(&self, accuracy: f64) -> f64

The arc length of the curve.

The result is accurate to the given accuracy (subject to roundoff errors for ridiculously low values). Compute time may vary with accuracy, if the curve needs to be subdivided.

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Provided methods

pub fn inv_arclen(&self, arclen: f64, accuracy: f64) -> f64

Solve for the parameter that has the given arclength from the start.

This implementation is bisection, which is very robust but not necessarily the fastest. It does measure increasingly short segments, though, which should be good for subdivision algorithms.

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impl ParamCurveArclen for PathSeg

impl ParamCurveArclen for ConstPoint

impl ParamCurveArclen for CubicBez

pub fn arclen(&self, accuracy: f64) -> f64

Arclength of a cubic Bézier segment.

This is an adaptive subdivision approach using Legendre-Gauss quadrature in the base case, and an error estimate to decide when to subdivide.

impl ParamCurveArclen for Line

impl ParamCurveArclen for QuadBez

pub fn arclen(&self, _accuracy: f64) -> f64

Arclength of a quadratic Bézier segment.

This computation is based on an analytical formula. Since that formula suffers from numerical instability when the curve is very close to a straight line, we detect that case and fall back to Legendre-Gauss quadrature.

Accuracy should be better than 1e-13 over the entire range.

Adapted from http://www.malczak.linuxpl.com/blog/quadratic-bezier-curve-length/ with permission.

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