Module drought::droughter

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The core logic of drought.

A Droughter acts as a single layer of directories. It may also be called by consumers, as the root of a given directory tree. It keeps track of a set of Drought trait objects. This allows for the manual implementation of more structured router extensions, but drought provides facilities for simply adding a stateless lambda function, in the case of simpler needs.


Each Drought in a Droughter has a given priority, and all droughts of a given priority will be tested, before those of lower priority. If a Drought returns a DroughtResult::NotFound, the next Drought will be checked. Otherwise, the DroughtResult will be returned up through the chain of Droughters that led to it being called. It should be noted that the responsibility of deciding what resources to handle is down to the discretion of each individual Drought, and that a Drought may choose to serve any arbitrary number of resources.

Subdirectories are handled by special Droughts, which wrap an internal Droughter. They may be created via the insert_sub, insert_typed, and insert_matched DroughterBuilder methods.

DroughtResult is crucial to the internal logic of drought, and any consumers should take time to read its documentation.


As a request travels down the set of Droughters, and responses up again, they will be passed through Irrigators. Irrigators allow for better code reuse, as well as more efficient implementations of authentication, caching, and so on. They are stored per-Droughter.

RequestIrrigators act as transformers for incoming requests. They may insert headers, rewrite URLs, and even insert an early reply. See IrrigatorResult for more information on what they can alter.

ResponseIrrigators act as transformers for outgoing responses. They get a mutable reference to the DroughtResult returned by the previously called Drought, and may alter it as they see fit. In particular, the macro system uses this to insert proper 404 pages, as opposed to the empty default.


A single directory namespace.
A builder struct for Droughter.
Storage for matches provided by typed or matched Droughts.



A trait to be implemented by any part of the resource tree.