drone-tisl-map 0.13.0

Texas Instruments SimpleLink™ peripheral mappings for Drone, an Embedded Operating System.
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Texas Instruments SimpleLink™ peripheral mappings for Drone, an Embedded Operating System.

This crate uses CMSIS-SVD files based on TI CCS target db to automatically generate Drone register and interrupt bindings. However only the corresponding Product Specification is the single source of truth. A difference between this crate bindings and the Product Specification is considered a bug. Fixing such a bug is not a breaking change.

This crate re-exports the contents of [drone_cortexm::map] module and is a drop-in replacement for it.

Supported Devices

tisl_mcu Core name Product specification Available features
cc2538 ARM® Cortex®-M3 r2p0 SWRU319C gpio ioc sysctrl tim uart

tisl_mcu config flag should be set at the application level according to this table.


The API documentation intentionally skips auto-generated [reg] and [thr] bindings. Otherwise it would use several gigabytes of space and would be very slow to render in a browser. One should refer to the Product Specification instead. And to get an idea of what the API looks like on the Drone side, look at the [drone_cortexm::map] module documentation.


Add the crate to your Cargo.toml dependencies:

drone-tisl-map = { version = "0.13.0", features = [...] }

Add or extend std feature as follows:

std = ["drone-tisl-map/std"]


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