[][src]Module drone_cortexm::proc_loop

This module provides interface to wrap a stackful synchronous code into an asynchronous command loop.

NOTE This module documentation should be viewed as a continuation of the drone_core documentation.

To provide an example, imagine a C library for FAT32 file system. Here is how it could be wrapped:

use core::{future::Future, pin::Pin, slice};
use drone_core::ffi::{c_char, CString};
use drone_cortexm::{
    proc_loop::{self, Context as _, ProcLoop, Sess as _},
use futures::prelude::*;

use drone_cortexm::sv::{SwitchBackService, SwitchContextService};

// Stackful fibers need a supervisor.
sv! {
    pub struct Sv;
    static SERVICES;

    // These services are required for stackful fibers.

// Here is the library API.
extern "C" {
    fn f_read(name: *const c_char, buf: *mut u8, count: u32) -> u32;
    fn f_write(name: *const c_char, buf: *const u8, count: u32) -> u32;

// The library is expecting to be linked with the following two function.

pub extern "C" fn disk_read(buf: *mut u8, sector: u32, count: u32) -> u32 {
    // We need to recreate the Yielder with correct type parameters.
    let yielder = unsafe { proc_loop::Yielder::<Sv, FatfsRes>::new() };
    // Redirect the request to the command loop. This call is blocking.
    let req_res = yielder.req(Req::DiskRead { buf, sector, count });
    // The result variant must correspond to the request variant.
    unsafe { req_res.disk_read }

pub extern "C" fn disk_write(buf: *const u8, sector: u32, count: u32) -> u32 {
    let yielder = unsafe { proc_loop::Yielder::<Sv, FatfsRes>::new() };
    let req_res = yielder.req(Req::DiskWrite { buf, sector, count });
    // The result variant must correspond to the request variant.
    unsafe { req_res.disk_write }

// We need to map the two functions above to the corresponding functions below.

pub async fn disk_read_async(buf: &mut [u8], sector: u32) -> u32 {
    // Serve `disk_read` asynchronously.

pub async fn disk_write_async(buf: &[u8], sector: u32) -> u32 {
    // Serve `disk_write` asynchronously.

// All possible commands. We can use only `'static` lifetimes here. That is
// why we use `*const str`, `*const [u8]`, `*mut [u8]` instead of `&str`,
// `&[u8]`, `&mut [u8]`.
pub enum Cmd {
    Read { name: *const str, buf: *mut [u8] },
    Write { name: *const str, buf: *const [u8] },

// Results for each of the commands above.
pub union CmdRes {
    pub read: u32,
    pub write: u32,

// All possible requests used by `disk_read` and `disk_write` functions above.
pub enum Req {
    DiskRead { buf: *mut u8, sector: u32, count: u32 },
    DiskWrite { buf: *const u8, sector: u32, count: u32 },

// Results for each of the requests above.
pub union ReqRes {
    pub disk_read: u32,
    pub disk_write: u32,

// The use of raw pointers requires this.
unsafe impl Send for Cmd {}
unsafe impl Send for Req {}

// This type will never be instantiated. It is used only to define associated
// items with `ProcLoop` trait.
pub struct FatfsRes;

// This is the type that implements the high-level API of our library.
pub struct FatfsSess<'sess>(&'sess mut proc_loop::Fiber<Sv, FatfsRes>);

impl ProcLoop for FatfsRes {
    type Cmd = Cmd;
    type CmdRes = CmdRes;
    type Context = proc_loop::Yielder<Sv, FatfsRes>;
    type Req = Req;
    type ReqRes = ReqRes;

    const STACK_SIZE: usize = 0x800;

    fn run_cmd(cmd: Cmd, _context: Self::Context) -> CmdRes {
        match cmd {
            Cmd::Read { name, buf } => {
                // Rebind lifetimes for the raw pointers.
                let name = unsafe { &*buf };
                let buf = unsafe { &mut *buf };
                // Call the library function synchronously. This will block.
                let read = unsafe {
                        buf.len() as u32,
                // The result variant must correspond to the command variant.
                CmdRes { read }
            Cmd::Write { name, buf } => {
                let name = unsafe { &*buf };
                let buf = unsafe { &*buf };
                let write = unsafe {
                        buf.len() as u32,
                // The result variant must correspond to the command variant.
                CmdRes { write }

impl proc_loop::Sess for FatfsSess<'_> {
    type Error = !;
    type Fiber = proc_loop::Fiber<Sv, FatfsRes>;
    type ProcLoop = FatfsRes;

    fn fib(&mut self) -> Pin<&mut Self::Fiber> {

    fn run_req(
        &mut self,
        req: <Self::ProcLoop as ProcLoop>::Req,
    ) -> Pin<
            dyn Future<Output = Result<<Self::ProcLoop as ProcLoop>::ReqRes, Self::Error>>
                + Send
                + '_,
    > {
        match req {
            Req::DiskRead { buf, sector, count } => {
                let slice = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buf, count as usize) };
                Box::pin(disk_read_async(slice, sector).map(|disk_read| {
                    // The result variant must correspond to the request variant.
                    Ok(ReqRes { disk_read })
            Req::DiskWrite { buf, sector, count } => {
                let slice = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(buf, count as usize) };
                Box::pin(disk_write_async(slice, sector).map(|disk_write| {
                    // The result variant must correspond to the request variant.
                    Ok(ReqRes { disk_write })

// The high-level API to our library.
impl FatfsSess<'_> {
    pub async fn read<'a>(&'a mut self, name: &'a str, buf: &'a mut [u8]) -> Result<u32, !> {
        let res = self.cmd(Cmd::Read { name, buf }).await?;
        // The result variant must correspond to the command variant.
        Ok(unsafe { res.read })

    pub async fn write<'a>(&'a mut self, name: &'a str, buf: &'a [u8]) -> Result<u32, !> {
        let res = self.cmd(Cmd::Write { name, buf }).await?;
        // The result variant must correspond to the command variant.
        Ok(unsafe { res.write })

// Here is how we use the defined command loop in asynchronous context.
async {
    let mut fatfs_proc = proc_loop::Fiber::<Sv, FatfsRes>::new();
    let mut fatfs_sess = FatfsSess(&mut fatfs_proc);
    let mut buf = [0; 10];
    fatfs_sess.read("file1.txt", &mut buf).await?;
    fatfs_sess.write("file2.txt", b"hello there!\n").await?;
    Ok::<(), !>(())


pub use drone_core::proc_loop::*;



A wrapper for fib::FiberProc that runs the command loop T.


Yielder for Fiber's fib::FiberProc.