Trait Device

pub trait Device: Device {
Show 51 methods // Provided methods fn resource_handles(&self) -> Result<ResourceHandles> { ... } fn plane_handles(&self) -> Result<Vec<Handle>> { ... } fn get_connector(&self, handle: Handle, force_probe: bool) -> Result<Info> { ... } fn get_encoder(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<Info> { ... } fn get_crtc(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<Info> { ... } fn set_crtc( &self, handle: Handle, framebuffer: Option<Handle>, pos: (u32, u32), conns: &[Handle], mode: Option<Mode>, ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn get_framebuffer(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<Info> { ... } fn get_planar_framebuffer( &self, handle: Handle, ) -> Result<PlanarInfo, GetPlanarFramebufferError> { ... } fn add_framebuffer<B>( &self, buffer: &B, depth: u32, bpp: u32, ) -> Result<Handle> where B: Buffer + ?Sized { ... } fn add_planar_framebuffer<B>( &self, planar_buffer: &B, flags: FbCmd2Flags, ) -> Result<Handle> where B: PlanarBuffer + ?Sized { ... } fn dirty_framebuffer( &self, handle: Handle, clips: &[ClipRect], ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn destroy_framebuffer(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<()> { ... } fn get_plane(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<Info> { ... } fn set_plane( &self, handle: Handle, crtc: Handle, framebuffer: Option<Handle>, flags: u32, crtc_rect: (i32, i32, u32, u32), src_rect: (u32, u32, u32, u32), ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn get_property(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<Info> { ... } fn set_property<T: ResourceHandle>( &self, handle: T, prop: Handle, value: RawValue, ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn create_property_blob<T>(&self, data: &T) -> Result<Value<'static>> { ... } fn get_property_blob(&self, blob: u64) -> Result<Vec<u8>> { ... } fn destroy_property_blob(&self, blob: u64) -> Result<()> { ... } fn get_modes(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<Vec<Mode>> { ... } fn get_properties<T: ResourceHandle>( &self, handle: T, ) -> Result<PropertyValueSet> { ... } fn get_gamma( &self, crtc: Handle, red: &mut [u16], green: &mut [u16], blue: &mut [u16], ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn set_gamma( &self, crtc: Handle, red: &[u16], green: &[u16], blue: &[u16], ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn open_buffer(&self, name: Name) -> Result<Handle> { ... } fn close_buffer(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<()> { ... } fn create_dumb_buffer( &self, size: (u32, u32), format: DrmFourcc, bpp: u32, ) -> Result<DumbBuffer> { ... } fn map_dumb_buffer<'a>( &self, buffer: &'a mut DumbBuffer, ) -> Result<DumbMapping<'a>> { ... } fn destroy_dumb_buffer(&self, buffer: DumbBuffer) -> Result<()> { ... } fn set_cursor<B>(&self, crtc: Handle, buffer: Option<&B>) -> Result<()> where B: Buffer + ?Sized { ... } fn set_cursor2<B>( &self, crtc: Handle, buffer: Option<&B>, hotspot: (i32, i32), ) -> Result<()> where B: Buffer + ?Sized { ... } fn move_cursor(&self, crtc: Handle, pos: (i32, i32)) -> Result<()> { ... } fn atomic_commit( &self, flags: AtomicCommitFlags, req: AtomicModeReq, ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn prime_fd_to_buffer(&self, fd: BorrowedFd<'_>) -> Result<Handle> { ... } fn buffer_to_prime_fd(&self, handle: Handle, flags: u32) -> Result<OwnedFd> { ... } fn page_flip( &self, handle: Handle, framebuffer: Handle, flags: PageFlipFlags, target_sequence: Option<PageFlipTarget>, ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn create_syncobj(&self, signalled: bool) -> Result<Handle> { ... } fn destroy_syncobj(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<()> { ... } fn syncobj_to_fd( &self, handle: Handle, export_sync_file: bool, ) -> Result<OwnedFd> { ... } fn fd_to_syncobj( &self, fd: BorrowedFd<'_>, import_sync_file: bool, ) -> Result<Handle> { ... } fn syncobj_wait( &self, handles: &[Handle], timeout_nsec: i64, wait_all: bool, wait_for_submit: bool, ) -> Result<u32> { ... } fn syncobj_reset(&self, handles: &[Handle]) -> Result<()> { ... } fn syncobj_signal(&self, handles: &[Handle]) -> Result<()> { ... } fn syncobj_timeline_wait( &self, handles: &[Handle], points: &[u64], timeout_nsec: i64, wait_all: bool, wait_for_submit: bool, wait_available: bool, ) -> Result<u32> { ... } fn syncobj_timeline_query( &self, handles: &[Handle], points: &mut [u64], last_submitted: bool, ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn syncobj_timeline_transfer( &self, src_handle: Handle, dst_handle: Handle, src_point: u64, dst_point: u64, ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn syncobj_timeline_signal( &self, handles: &[Handle], points: &[u64], ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn syncobj_eventfd( &self, handle: Handle, point: u64, eventfd: BorrowedFd<'_>, wait_available: bool, ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn create_lease( &self, objects: &[RawResourceHandle], flags: u32, ) -> Result<(LeaseId, OwnedFd)> { ... } fn list_lessees(&self) -> Result<Vec<LeaseId>> { ... } fn revoke_lease(&self, lessee_id: LeaseId) -> Result<()> { ... } fn receive_events(&self) -> Result<Events> where Self: Sized { ... }
Expand description

This trait should be implemented by any object that acts as a DRM device and provides modesetting functionality.

Like the parent super::Device trait, this crate does not provide a concrete object for this trait.


use drm::control::Device as ControlDevice;

/// Assuming the [`Card`] wrapper already implements [`drm::Device`]
impl ControlDevice for Card {}

Provided Methods§


fn resource_handles(&self) -> Result<ResourceHandles>

Gets the set of resource handles that this device currently controls


fn plane_handles(&self) -> Result<Vec<Handle>>

Gets the set of plane handles that this device currently has


fn get_connector(&self, handle: Handle, force_probe: bool) -> Result<Info>

Returns information about a specific connector


If force_probe is set to true and the DRM client is the current DRM master, the kernel will perform a forced probe on the connector to refresh the connector status, modes and EDID. A forced-probe can be slow, might cause flickering and the ioctl will block.

  • User needs to force-probe connectors to ensure their metadata is up-to-date at startup and after receiving a hot-plug event.
  • User may perform a forced-probe when the user explicitly requests it.
  • User shouldn’t perform a forced-probe in other situations.

fn get_encoder(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<Info>

Returns information about a specific encoder


fn get_crtc(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<Info>

Returns information about a specific CRTC


fn set_crtc( &self, handle: Handle, framebuffer: Option<Handle>, pos: (u32, u32), conns: &[Handle], mode: Option<Mode>, ) -> Result<()>

Set CRTC state


fn get_framebuffer(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<Info>

Returns information about a specific framebuffer


fn get_planar_framebuffer( &self, handle: Handle, ) -> Result<PlanarInfo, GetPlanarFramebufferError>

Returns information about a specific framebuffer (with modifiers)


fn add_framebuffer<B>(&self, buffer: &B, depth: u32, bpp: u32) -> Result<Handle>
where B: Buffer + ?Sized,

Add a new framebuffer


fn add_planar_framebuffer<B>( &self, planar_buffer: &B, flags: FbCmd2Flags, ) -> Result<Handle>
where B: PlanarBuffer + ?Sized,

Add framebuffer (with modifiers)


fn dirty_framebuffer(&self, handle: Handle, clips: &[ClipRect]) -> Result<()>

Mark parts of a framebuffer dirty


fn destroy_framebuffer(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<()>

Destroy a framebuffer


fn get_plane(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<Info>

Returns information about a specific plane


fn set_plane( &self, handle: Handle, crtc: Handle, framebuffer: Option<Handle>, flags: u32, crtc_rect: (i32, i32, u32, u32), src_rect: (u32, u32, u32, u32), ) -> Result<()>

Set plane state.

Providing no framebuffer clears the plane.


fn get_property(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<Info>

Returns information about a specific property.


fn set_property<T: ResourceHandle>( &self, handle: T, prop: Handle, value: RawValue, ) -> Result<()>

Sets a property for a specific resource.


fn create_property_blob<T>(&self, data: &T) -> Result<Value<'static>>

Create a property blob value from a given data blob


fn get_property_blob(&self, blob: u64) -> Result<Vec<u8>>

Get a property blob’s data


fn destroy_property_blob(&self, blob: u64) -> Result<()>

Destroy a given property blob value


fn get_modes(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<Vec<Mode>>

Returns the set of Modes that a particular connector supports.


fn get_properties<T: ResourceHandle>( &self, handle: T, ) -> Result<PropertyValueSet>

Gets a list of property handles and values for this resource.


fn get_gamma( &self, crtc: Handle, red: &mut [u16], green: &mut [u16], blue: &mut [u16], ) -> Result<()>

Receive the currently set gamma ramp of a crtc


fn set_gamma( &self, crtc: Handle, red: &[u16], green: &[u16], blue: &[u16], ) -> Result<()>

Set a gamma ramp for the given crtc


fn open_buffer(&self, name: Name) -> Result<Handle>

Open a GEM buffer handle by name


fn close_buffer(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<()>

Close a GEM buffer handle


fn create_dumb_buffer( &self, size: (u32, u32), format: DrmFourcc, bpp: u32, ) -> Result<DumbBuffer>

Create a new dumb buffer with a given size and pixel format


fn map_dumb_buffer<'a>( &self, buffer: &'a mut DumbBuffer, ) -> Result<DumbMapping<'a>>

Map the buffer for access


fn destroy_dumb_buffer(&self, buffer: DumbBuffer) -> Result<()>

Free the memory resources of a dumb buffer


fn set_cursor<B>(&self, crtc: Handle, buffer: Option<&B>) -> Result<()>
where B: Buffer + ?Sized,

👎Deprecated: Usage of deprecated ioctl set_cursor: use a cursor plane instead

Sets a hardware-cursor on the given crtc with the image of a given buffer

A buffer argument of None will clear the cursor.


fn set_cursor2<B>( &self, crtc: Handle, buffer: Option<&B>, hotspot: (i32, i32), ) -> Result<()>
where B: Buffer + ?Sized,

👎Deprecated: Usage of deprecated ioctl set_cursor2: use a cursor plane instead

Sets a hardware-cursor on the given crtc with the image of a given buffer and a hotspot marking the click point of the cursor.

A buffer argument of None will clear the cursor.


fn move_cursor(&self, crtc: Handle, pos: (i32, i32)) -> Result<()>

👎Deprecated: Usage of deprecated ioctl move_cursor: use a cursor plane instead

Moves a set cursor on a given crtc


fn atomic_commit( &self, flags: AtomicCommitFlags, req: AtomicModeReq, ) -> Result<()>

Request an atomic commit with given flags and property-value pair for a list of objects.


fn prime_fd_to_buffer(&self, fd: BorrowedFd<'_>) -> Result<Handle>

Convert a prime file descriptor to a GEM buffer handle


fn buffer_to_prime_fd(&self, handle: Handle, flags: u32) -> Result<OwnedFd>

Convert a GEM buffer handle to a prime file descriptor


fn page_flip( &self, handle: Handle, framebuffer: Handle, flags: PageFlipFlags, target_sequence: Option<PageFlipTarget>, ) -> Result<()>

Queue a page flip on the given crtc


fn create_syncobj(&self, signalled: bool) -> Result<Handle>

Creates a syncobj.


fn destroy_syncobj(&self, handle: Handle) -> Result<()>

Destroys a syncobj.


fn syncobj_to_fd( &self, handle: Handle, export_sync_file: bool, ) -> Result<OwnedFd>

Exports a syncobj as an inter-process file descriptor or as a poll()-able sync file.


fn fd_to_syncobj( &self, fd: BorrowedFd<'_>, import_sync_file: bool, ) -> Result<Handle>

Imports a file descriptor exported by Self::syncobj_to_fd back into a process-local handle.


fn syncobj_wait( &self, handles: &[Handle], timeout_nsec: i64, wait_all: bool, wait_for_submit: bool, ) -> Result<u32>

Waits for one or more syncobjs to become signalled.


fn syncobj_reset(&self, handles: &[Handle]) -> Result<()>

Resets (un-signals) one or more syncobjs.


fn syncobj_signal(&self, handles: &[Handle]) -> Result<()>

Signals one or more syncobjs.


fn syncobj_timeline_wait( &self, handles: &[Handle], points: &[u64], timeout_nsec: i64, wait_all: bool, wait_for_submit: bool, wait_available: bool, ) -> Result<u32>

Waits for one or more specific timeline syncobj points.


fn syncobj_timeline_query( &self, handles: &[Handle], points: &mut [u64], last_submitted: bool, ) -> Result<()>

Queries for state of one or more timeline syncobjs.


fn syncobj_timeline_transfer( &self, src_handle: Handle, dst_handle: Handle, src_point: u64, dst_point: u64, ) -> Result<()>

Transfers one timeline syncobj point to another.


fn syncobj_timeline_signal( &self, handles: &[Handle], points: &[u64], ) -> Result<()>

Signals one or more specific timeline syncobj points.


fn syncobj_eventfd( &self, handle: Handle, point: u64, eventfd: BorrowedFd<'_>, wait_available: bool, ) -> Result<()>

Register an eventfd to be signalled by a syncobj.


fn create_lease( &self, objects: &[RawResourceHandle], flags: u32, ) -> Result<(LeaseId, OwnedFd)>

Create a drm lease


fn list_lessees(&self) -> Result<Vec<LeaseId>>

List active lessees


fn revoke_lease(&self, lessee_id: LeaseId) -> Result<()>

Revoke a previously issued drm lease


fn receive_events(&self) -> Result<Events>
where Self: Sized,

Receive pending events

Dyn Compatibility§

This trait is not dyn compatible.

In older versions of Rust, dyn compatibility was called "object safety", so this trait is not object safe.
