

Combines iter_vertices_dfs_post_order, Iterator::collect() and slice::reverse() to get a topologically ordered sequence of vertices of a DAG.

Returns a set “seed” vertices of a DAG from which a traversal may start so that the process covers all vertices in the graph.

Visit all vertices reachable from vertex in a breadth-first-search (BFS) order.

Visit all vertices reachable from vertex in a depth-first-search (DFS) order.

Visit all vertices reachable from vertex in a depth-first-search postorder, i.e. emitting vertices only after all their descendants have been emitted first.

Visit nodes in a depth-first-search (DFS) emitting edges in postorder, i.e. each node after all its descendants have been emitted.

Visit all vertices of a DAG in a breadth-first-search (BFS) order.

Visit all vertices of a DAG in a depth-first-search (DFS) order.

Visit all vertices of a DAG in a depth-first-search postorder, i.e. emitting vertices only after all their descendants have been emitted first.