Crate doe

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  • clipboard module provides functions and structs related to clipboard operations. It allows the user to copy and paste data between the application and the clipboard.
  • xlsx module contains functions for reading editing docx file
  • The file system (fs) module provides functions and structs for performing operations on the file system. It includes functions for reading, writing, creating, and deleting files and directories.
  • keyboard module contains functions and structs related to keyboard input. It allows the user to simulate keyboard input, capture keystrokes, and perform other keyboard-related operations.
  • macros module contains all utility macros for development
  • mouse module contains functions and structs related to mouse input. It allows the user to simulate mouse input, capture mouse movements and clicks, and perform other mouse-related operations.
  • structs module contains definitions of custom data structures like Bfn, Bts, waker_fn.
  • timer module provides functions and structs for creating and managing timers. It allows the user to schedule tasks to be executed at a specific time or interval.
  • traits module contains trait definitions that define shared behavior and functions
  • utils module provides utility functions like permutations,hex_encode,hex_decode,base64_encode,base64_decode,php_urlencode,php_urldecode.
  • xlsx module contains functions and structs for reading, writing, and manipulating Excel files in the XLSX format.



  • Rust is a wrapper for the standard library’s std::process::Command function, which is used to execute external commands

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