initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Class","The CLASS value according to RFC 1035"],["Error","Error parsing DNS packet"],["Opcode","The OPCODE value according to RFC 1035"],["QueryClass","The QCLASS value according to RFC 1035"],["QueryType","The QTYPE value according to RFC 1035"],["RRData","The enumeration that represents known types of DNS resource records data"],["ResponseCode","The RCODE value according to RFC 1035"],["Type","The TYPE value according to RFC 1035"]],"struct":[["Builder","Allows to build a DNS packet"],["Header","Represents parsed header of the packet"],["Name","The DNS name as stored in the original packet"],["Packet","Parsed DNS packet"],["Question","A parsed chunk of data in the Query section of the packet"],["ResourceRecord","A single DNS record"]]});