Macro dmutil::reverse_tt [] [src]

macro_rules! reverse_tt {
					@eager[[$dollar1($dollar1 $id_1:tt)*] $dollar2($dollar2 $id_2:tt)*]
				} => { ... };
    {$($rules_grammar)*} => { ... };

Reverses a stream of token trees (tt). eager!-enabled.

Given a set of token trees in brackets [1 2 3]it will reverse their order and remove the brackets: 3 2 1. Chaining is also possible; the first group will expand first after which the second one is expanded and put in front of the first: [4 3][2 1] -> 1 2 3 4.

Given a token tree in braces {1 2 3} it will not reverse the order and just remove the braces. Chaining also works here, and like before when the second is expanded, it is put in front of the previous: {3 4}{1 2} -> 1 2 3 4.

Both the above chaining work together and for more than 2 groups. The expand order is always left to right: [8 7]{5 6}[4 3]{1 2} -> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8.

the pipe | can be used to restrict how far to the left groups are expanded to. Everything to the right of a pipe will be expanded just after the pipe: [4 3 ]{1 2}|[8 7]{4 5} -> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The following is a stepwise expand with the pipes: [4 3 ]{1 2}|[8 7]{5 6} -> 3 4 {1 2}| 7 8 {5 6} -> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

extern crate dmutil;
fn main(){

    assert!(reverse_tt!([1 > 2])); // expands to '2 > 1'

    // The following all expand to '3-1 == 2'
    assert!(reverse_tt!({ == 2}[1 - 3]));
    assert!(reverse_tt!({ == 2}[1][- 3]));
    assert!(reverse_tt!({ == 2}[1][-][3]));
    assert!(reverse_tt!({ == 2}{3 - 1}));
    assert!(reverse_tt!({ == 2}{- 1}{3}));
    assert!(reverse_tt!({2}[ == 1]{3 -}));
    assert!(reverse_tt!({2}{1 == }[- 3]));

    // The following expand to '1 < 2 && 3 < 4
    assert!(reverse_tt!({2}[< 1]|{}[4 <]{&& 3}));

    // Beware that only the order of the token trees is reversed
    // and not the trees themselves.
    // therefore, the following expands to '(3-1) == 2'
    assert!(reverse_tt!({ == 2 }[(3-1)]));

    assert!(reverse_tt!({4 > 3}));
    assert!(reverse_tt!([< 1]{2 -}|[6 -]{5 -}));
    assert!(reverse_tt!([][1 > 2]));