diverter 2.0.0

quickly switch between Steam accounts on Windows.
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Switch between Steam accounts without relogging on Windows.


Typical usage is as follows:

diverter set my_other_account -r # change account and restart Steam

The set <username> command will have Steam attempt to log in to the other account on its next launch. The -r / --restart means to restart Steam, starting the switch immediately.

--restart kills the Steam process ungracefully (see implications below), alternatively you can use -g / --graceful for a graceful restart. Additionally you can complement an ungraceful restart with the -v / --verify flag to allow Steam to verify files after it restarts.

diverter set my_other_account -r # restart ungracefully
diverter set my_other_account -g # restart gracefully
diverter set my_other_account -v # restart ungracefully but verify files

Tip: Restarting Steam ungracefully is much quicker but can cause data corruption, so it's a good idea to restart gracefully when you think Steam might be in the middle of a filesystem operation, such as when you're downloading a game, uploading your save to the Steam Cloud, etc.

See --help for complete usage documentation.


Download the latest release, or build using cargo from source via cargo install diverter.