Module distant_net::common

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  • Generates a new Header of key/value pairs based on literals.
  • Generates a new Map of key/value pairs based on literals.


  • Stores Frames for reuse later.
  • Represents a codec that chains together other codecs such that encoding will call the encode methods of the underlying, chained codecs from left-to-right and decoding will call the decode methods in reverse order
  • distant connects and logs into the specified destination, which may be specified as either hostname:port where an attempt to connect to a distant server will be made, or a URI of one of the following forms:
  • Represents some data wrapped in a frame in order to ship it over the network. The format is simple and follows {len}{item} where len is the length of the item as a u64.
  • Represents a wrapper around a Transport that reads and writes using frames defined by a Codec.
  • Represents a packet header comprised of arbitrary data tied to string keys.
  • Represents a secret key used with transport encryption and authentication that is stored on the heap
  • Represents a Transport comprised of two inmemory channels
  • Readiness event interest.
  • Utility to support performing an exchange of public keys and salts in order to derive a shared key between two separate entities
  • Manages keys with associated ids. Cloning will result in a copy pointing to the same underlying storage, which enables support of managing the keys across multiple threads.
  • Contains map information for connections and other use cases
  • Represents a Listener that wraps a different Listener, mapping the received connection to something else using the map function
  • Represents a Listener that uses an mpsc::Receiver to accept new connections
  • Represents a Listener that only has a single connection
  • Represents a codec that does not alter the frame (synonymous with “plain text”)
  • Represents some range of ports
  • Represents a codec that invokes one of two codecs based on the given predicate
  • Represents a wrapper around EncodedPoint, and exists to fix an issue with serde deserialization failing when directly serializing the EncodedPoint type
  • Describes the readiness state of an I/O resources.
  • Represents a request to send
  • Represents a response received related to some response
  • Friendly wrapper around a 32-byte array representing a salt
  • Represents a secret key used with transport encryption and authentication
  • Represents a Listener for incoming connections over TCP
  • Represents a Transport that leverages a TCP stream
  • Represents a Listener for incoming connections over a Unix socket
  • Represents a Transport that leverages a Unix socket
  • Represents a request to send whose payload is bytes instead of a specific type
  • Represents a response to send whose payload is bytes instead of a specific type
  • Generic value type for data passed through header.
  • Represents a version and compatibility rules.



  • Trait used for casting support into the Any trait object
  • Represents abstraction that implements specific encoder and decoder logic to transform an arbitrary collection of bytes. This can be used to encrypt and authenticate bytes sent and received by transports.
  • Interface that provides extensions to the codec interface
  • Represents a type that has a listen interface for receiving raw streams
  • Interface representing a connection that is reconnectable.
  • Interface representing a transport of raw bytes into and out of the system.

Type Definitions