Module distant_net::client

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  • Represents a sender of requests tied to a session, holding onto a weak reference of mailboxes to relay responses, meaning that once the Client is closed or dropped, any sent request will no longer be able to receive responses.
  • Represents a client that can be used to send requests & receive responses from a server.
  • Builder for a Client or UntypedClient.
  • Represents a general-purpose set of properties tied with a client instance.
  • Represents a watcher over a ConnectionState.
  • Represents a destination for responses
  • Implementation of Connector to support connecting via TCP.
  • Implementation of Connector to support connecting via a Unix socket.
  • Represents a sender of requests tied to a session, holding onto a weak reference of mailboxes to relay responses, meaning that once the Client is closed or dropped, any sent request will no longer be able to receive responses.
  • Represents a client that can be used to send requests & receive responses from a server.



  • Interface that performs the connection to produce a Transport for use by the Client.
  • Interface representing functionality to shut down an active client.