
pub use log;
pub use paste;


Creates a new struct around a UntypedTransport that routes incoming and outgoing messages to different transports, enabling the ability to transform a singular transport into multiple typed transports that can be combined with Client and Server to mix having a variety of clients and servers available on the same underlying UntypedTransport.


Represents a single question in a challenge

Server that handles authentication

Represents a sender of requests tied to a session, holding onto a weak reference of mailboxes to relay responses, meaning that once the [Session] is closed or dropped, any sent request will no longer be able to receive responses

Represents a client that can be used to send requests & receive responses from a server

Represents [TypedTransport] of data across the network using frames in order to support typed messages instead of arbitrary bytes being sent across the wire.

Represents a transport of inbound data from the network using frames in order to support typed messages instead of arbitrary bytes being sent across the wire.

Represents a transport of outbound data to the network using frames in order to support typed messages instead of arbitrary bytes being sent across the wire.

Represents a generic reference to a server

Utility to perform a handshake

Represents a RawTransport comprised of two inmemory channels

Read portion of an inmemory channel

Write portion of an inmemory channel

Represents a destination for responses

Represents a Listener that wraps a different Listener, mapping the received connection to something else using the map function

Represents a Listener that uses an mpsc::Receiver to accept new connections

Represents a TypedTransport of data across the network that uses mpsc::Sender and mpsc::Receiver underneath.

Represents a Listener that only has a single connection

Represents a codec that just ships messages back and forth with no encryption or authentication

Represents some range of ports

Represents a wrapper around EncodedPoint, and exists to fix an issue with serde deserialization failing when directly serializing the EncodedPoint type

Represents a reply where all sends are queued up but not sent until after the flush method is called. This reply supports injecting at the front of the queue in order to support sending messages but ensuring that some specific message is sent out first

Represents a request to send

Represents a response received related to some request

Friendly wrapper around a 32-byte array representing a salt

Represents a secret key used with transport encryption and authentication

Represents an individual connection on the server

Represents contextual information for working with an inbound request

Utility to send ad-hoc replies from the server back through the connection

Contains all top-level state for the server

Represents a Listener for incoming connections over TCP

Reference to a TCP server instance

Represents a RawTransport that leverages a TCP stream

Represents a Listener for incoming connections over a Unix socket

Reference to a unix socket server instance

Represents a RawTransport that leverages a Unix socket

Represents the codec to encode & decode data while also encrypting/decrypting it


Represents authentication messages that can be sent over the wire

Represents the type of error encountered during authentication

Represents authentication messages that act as initiators such as providing a challenge, verifying information, presenting information, or highlighting an error

Represents authentication messages that are responses to auth requests such as answers to challenges or verifying information

Represents the type of verification being requested


Trait used for casting support into the Any trait object

Represents abstraction of a codec that implements specific encoder and decoder for distant

Interface to split something into writing and reading halves

Represents a type that has a listen interface for receiving raw streams

Interface representing a transport of raw bytes into and out of the system

Interface representing a transport of raw bytes into the system

Interface representing a transport of raw bytes out of the system

Interface to send a reply to some request

Interface for a general-purpose server that receives requests to handle

Extension trait to provide a reference implementation of starting a server that will listen for new connections (exposed as TypedAsyncWrite and TypedAsyncRead) and process them using the Server implementation

Interface to engage with a server instance

Extension trait to provide a reference implementation of starting a TCP server that will listen for new connections and process them using the Server implementation

Interface to read some structured data asynchronously

Interface to write some structured data asynchronously

Interface representing a transport of typed data into and out of the system

Extension trait to provide a reference implementation of starting a Unix socket server that will listen for new connections and process them using the Server implementation

Interface representing a transport that uses serde to serialize and deserialize data as it is sent and received

Interface representing a transport’s read half that uses serde to deserialize data as it is received

Interface representing a transport’s write half that uses serde to serialize data as it is sent

Type Definitions

Type signature for a dynamic on_challenge function

Type signature for a dynamic on_error function

Type signature for a dynamic on_info function

Type signature for a dynamic on_verify function

Id associated with an active connection

Represents an AuthServer where all handlers are stored on the heap

Represents a generic id type

Represents a 32-byte secret key

32-byte key shared by handshake