
pub use data::DistantMsg;
pub use data::DistantRequestData;
pub use data::DistantResponseData;
pub use distant_net as net;




Information about a specific connection

Represents a list of information about active connections

distant connects and logs into the specified destination, which may be specified as either hostname:port where an attempt to connect to a distant server will be made, or a URI of one of the following forms:

Represents a server that leverages an API compliant with distant

Represents the context provided to the DistantApi for incoming requests

Represents a manager of multiple distant server connections

Represents a client that can connect to a remote distant manager

Configuration to use when creating a new DistantManagerClient

Represents a connection a distant manager has with some distant-compatible server

Reference to a distant manager’s server instance

Represents credentials used for a distant server that is maintaining a single key across all connections

Represents an implementation of DistantApi that works with the local machine where the server using this api is running. In other words, this is a direct impementation of the API instead of a proxy to another machine as seen with implementations on top of SSH and other protocol

Represents the content for LSP data

Represents the header for LSP data

Represents some data being communicated to/from an LSP consisting of a header and content part

Contains map information for connections and other use cases

Represents a raw channel between a manager client and some remote server

A RemoteProcess builder providing support to configure before spawning the process on a remote machine

A RemoteLspProcess builder providing support to configure before spawning the process on a remote machine

Represents an LSP server process on a remote machine

A handle to a remote LSP process’ stderr

A handle to a remote LSP process’ standard input (stdin)

A handle to a remote LSP process’ standard output (stdout)

Represents a process on a remote machine

A handle to the channel to kill a remote process

A handle to the channel to kill a remote process

A handle to a remote process’ stderr

A handle to a remote process’ standard input (stdin)

A handle to a remote process’ standard output (stdout)

Represents a watcher of some path on a remote machine


Represents an error that occurs when trying to parse a destination from a str


Used to connect to a destination, returning a connected reader and writer pair

Interface to support the suite of functionality available with distant, which can be used to build other servers that are compatible with distant

Provides convenience functions on top of a [SessionChannel]

Used to launch a server at the specified destination, returning some result as a vec of bytes

Type Definitions

Id associated with an open channel

Id associated with an active connection

Represents a Channel that communicates using the distant protocol

Represents a Client that communicates using the distant protocol

Represents extra data included for connections