var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["disque"] = {"doc":"disque-rs is a rust implementation of a Disque client library.\nIt uses redis-rs to handle the connection and low level protocol.","items":[[3,"Disque","disque","",null,null],[11,"open","","Opens a new connection to a Disque server.",0,{"inputs":[{"name":"t"}],"output":{"name":"redisresult"}}],[11,"hello","","The hello command returns information about the disque cluster.",0,null],[11,"addjob","","Adds a job to a queue.",0,null],[11,"getjob_count","","Gets up to `count` jobs from certain `queues`.",0,null],[11,"getjob_count_withcounters","","",0,null],[11,"getjob","","Gets a single job from any of the specified `queues`.",0,null],[11,"getjob_withcounters","","Gets a single job from any of the specified `queues` with its nack and\nadditional deliveries count.",0,null],[11,"ackjobs","","Acknowledge jobs.",0,null],[11,"ackjob","","Acknowledge a job.",0,null],[11,"fastackjobs","","Fast acknowledge jobs.",0,null],[11,"fastackjob","","Fast acknowledge a job.",0,null],[11,"working","","Tell Disque that a job is still processed.",0,null],[11,"nackjobs","","Tells Disque to put back the jobs in the queue ASAP. Should be used when\nthe worker was not able to process a message and wants the message to\nbe put back into the queue in order to be processed again.",0,null],[11,"nackjob","","Tells Disque to put back a job in the queue ASAP.",0,null],[11,"info","","Information about the server",0,null],[11,"qlen","","Size of the queue",0,null],[11,"qpeek","","Gets jobs from `queue_name` up to the absolute number of `count`.\nIf count is negative, it will be from newest to oldest.",0,null],[11,"enqueue","","Add jobs to queues",0,null],[11,"dequeue","","Remove jobs from queue",0,null],[11,"deljobs","","Completely delete jobs from a single node.",0,null],[11,"deljob","","Completely delete a job from a single node.",0,null],[11,"show","","Returns full information about a job, like its current state and data.",0,null],[11,"qscan","","Iterator to run all queues that fulfil a criteria.\nThe iterator will batch into segments of approximate `count` size.",0,null],[11,"jscan_id","","Iterator to run all jobs that fulfil a criteria.\nThe iterator will batch into segments of approximate `count` size.",0,null]],"paths":[[3,"Disque"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);