[][src]Derive Macro dispose_derive::Dispose

    // Attributes available to this derive:

Add trivial Dispose support to a struct or enum where the contained values implement Dispose or DisposeWith<W>.

This macro is designed to reduce the boilerplate for writing custom containers housing Dispose or DisposeWith resources.

The #[dispose] attribute


Here's a dead-simple example:

use dispose::{prelude::*, Disposable};

struct MyResource {
    important_stuff: String,

impl Dispose for MyResource {
    fn dispose(self) {
        println!("disposing {:?}", self.important_stuff);

struct MyOtherResource {
    handle: u32,

impl Dispose for MyOtherResource {
    fn dispose(self) {
        println!("releasing handle {}", self.handle)

// The derive macro makes it trivial to implement Dispose on a container type for these
// resources.
struct MyContainer {
    res: MyResource,
    other: MyOtherResource,

impl MyContainer {
    fn new(important_stuff: impl Into<String>, handle: u32) -> Disposable<Self> {
        let important_stuff = important_stuff.into();

        Self {
            res: MyResource { important_stuff },
            other: MyOtherResource { handle },

    let container = MyContainer::new("foobar", 27);

    // Do some stuff with container here...
// This prints:
// disposing "foobar"
// releasing handle 27

Here's a more real-world example, using the gfx-hal crate:

use gfx_hal::{prelude::*, Backend, device::Device};

// First, some setup - since this is non-trivial, the macro can't help here.
struct Buffer<B: Backend>(B::Buffer);
struct Memory<B: Backend>(B::Memory);

impl<B: Backend> DisposeWith<&B::Device> for Buffer<B> {
    fn dispose_with(self, dev: &B::Device) { unsafe { dev.destroy_buffer(self.0) } }

impl<B: Backend> DisposeWith<&B::Device> for Memory<B> {
    fn dispose_with(self, dev: &B::Device) { unsafe { dev.free_memory(self.0) } }

/// A single buffer with its own device memory allocation.
struct SingleBuffer<'a, B: Backend> {
    dev: &'a B::Device,
    #[dispose(with = .dev)]
    buf: Buffer<B>,
    #[dispose(with = .dev)]
    mem: Memory<B>,

impl<'a, B: Backend> SingleBuffer<'a, B> {
    fn new(dev: &'a B::Device, buf: Buffer<B>, mem: Memory<B>) -> Disposable<Self> {
        Self { dev, buf, mem }.into()

/// A set of buffers sharing a single memory allocation.
struct MultiBuffer<'a, B: Backend> {
    dev: &'a B::Device,
    #[dispose(with = .dev)]
    bufs: Vec<Buffer<B>>,
    #[dispose(with = .dev)]
    mem: Memory<B>,

impl<'a, B: Backend> MultiBuffer<'a, B> {
    fn new(
        dev: &'a B::Device,
        bufs: impl IntoIterator<Item = Buffer<B>>,
        mem: Memory<B>,
    ) -> Disposable<Self> {
        Self {
            bufs: bufs.into_iter().collect(),

// Acquire a device here.

// Now we can create and manage a container for a single buffer...
let buf = SingleBuffer::new(

// ...or multiple buffers, with allocation sharing.
// And, there's no excessive copies of a_device stored in memory!
let bufs = MultiBuffer::new(
    (0..16).into_iter().map(|_| create_buffer(a_device)),

// Draw cool things with the buffers here...