Crate dirigera

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Dirigera: Manger your IKEA devices. Dirigera is a client to communicate with your IKEA Dirigera hub and control your Trådfri devices. It is built with hyper and is bundled with an optional tool to generate the token you need for the communication.



  • A module that is used to disable TLS verification. This is used because the Dirigera HUB uses HTTPS but with a self signed certificate.
  • IKEA support multiple devices to be controlled via the Dirigera hub and they’re divided into several types, in this code represented as the Device enum.
  • The IKEA hub is what you’re communicating with and what’s running the API to manage your devices. Because of that the Hub is what’s exposing all methods from the API. The API is a RESTful HTTPS API with a self signed certificate so you need a hyper client that doesn’t do TLS verification. You also need a bearer token which is obtain via OAuth 2. Configuration for TLS and tool to get a token is both available under the danger module and the config feature flag respectively.
  • With the IKEA Home Smart app you can configure scenes that can be either triggered manually or on a schedule. Scenes are specific configuration for a set of devices such as color temperature, light level, blind level etcetera.