Crate diqwest

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This crate extends reqwest to be able to send requests with digest auth flow.

When you send a request with digest auth flow this first request will be executed. In case the response is a 401 the www-authenticate header is parsed and the answer is calculated. The initial request is executed again with additional Authorization header. The response will be returned from send_with_digest_auth().

In case the first response is not a 401 this first response is returned from send_with_digest_auth() without any manipulation. In case the first response is a 401 but the www-authenticate header is missing the first reponse is returned as well.


By default this crate works async:

use diqwest::WithDigestAuth;
use reqwest::{Client, Response};

// Call `.send_with_digest_auth()` on `RequestBuilder` like `send()`
let response: Response = Client::new()
  .send_with_digest_auth("username", "password")

In case you need blocking behavior enable the blocking feature in your Cargo.toml.

use diqwest::blocking::WithDigestAuth;
use reqwest::blocking::{Client, Response};

// Call `.send_with_digest_auth()` on `RequestBuilder` like `send()`
let response: Response = Client::new()
  .send_with_digest_auth("username", "password")?;



  • A trait to extend the functionality of an async RequestBuilder to send a request with digest auth flow.