Function dioxus::prelude::use_state[][src]

pub fn use_state<T>(
    cx: &'a ScopeState,
    initial_state_fn: impl FnOnce() -> T
) -> UseState<'a, T> where
    T: 'static, 
Expand description

Store state between component renders!

Dioxus equivalent of useState, designed for Rust

The Dioxus version of useState for state management inside components. It allows you to ergonomically store and modify state between component renders. When the state is updated, the component will re-render.

Dioxus’ use_state basically wraps a RefCell with helper methods and integrates it with the VirtualDOM update system.

use_state exposes a few helper methods to modify the underlying state:

  • .set(new) allows you to override the “work in progress” value with a new value
  • .get_mut() allows you to modify the WIP value
  • .get_wip() allows you to access the WIP value
  • .deref() provides the previous value (often done implicitly, though a manual dereference with * might be required)

Additionally, a ton of std::ops traits are implemented for the UseState wrapper, meaning any mutative type operations will automatically be called on the WIP value.


On top of the methods to set/get state, use_state also supports fancy combinators to extend its functionality:

  • .classic() and .split() convert the hook into the classic React-style hook
    let (state, set_state) = use_state(&cx, || 10).split()


const Example: Component = |cx| {
    let counter = use_state(&cx, || 0);

    cx.render(rsx! {
        div {
            h1 { "Counter: {counter}" }
            button { onclick: move |_| counter += 1, "Increment" }
            button { onclick: move |_| counter -= 1, "Decrement" }