Module dioxus_lib::prelude

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  • This macro is used to generate a impl Default block for any type with the function new_maybe_sync that takes a generic T
  • This macro is used to generate impl PartialEq blocks for any Readable type that takes a generic T
  • This macro is used to generate impl Display, and impl Debug blocks for any Readable type that takes a generic T
  • This macro is used to generate impl Display, impl Debug, impl PartialEq, and impl Eq blocks for any Readable type that takes a generic T
  • The rsx! macro makes it easy for developers to write jsx-style markup in their components.
  • The rsx! macro makes it easy for developers to write jsx-style markup in their components.
  • A helper macro for cloning multiple values at once
  • A helper macro for use_reactive that merges uses the closure syntax to elaborate the dependency array
  • This macro is used to generate impl Add, impl AddAssign, impl Sub, impl SubAssign, impl Mul, impl MulAssign, impl Div, and impl DivAssign blocks for any Writable type that takes a generic T



  • An error that can occur when trying to borrow a value.
  • An error that can occur when trying to borrow a value mutably.
  • Code is the physical position of a key.
  • Represents an error when evaluating JavaScript
  • Key represents the meaning of a keypress.
  • The location attribute contains an indication of the logical location of the key on the device.
  • The error type for the MountedData
  • The way that scrolling should be performed
  • An attribute of the TemplateNode, created at compile time
  • A statically known node in a layout.
  • A signal that represents the state of a future
  • A signal that represents the state of the resource



Type Aliases§

Attribute Macros§

  • Streamlines component creation. This is the recommended way of creating components, though you might want lower-level control with more advanced uses.
  • Derive props for a component within the component definition.

Derive Macros§