[][src]Module dinotree_alg::k_nearest

Contains all k_nearest code.

User Guide

There are four flavors of the same fundamental knearest api provided in this module. There is a naive version, and there is a version that uses the tree, and there are mutable versions of those that return mutable references.

Along with a reference to the tree, the user provides the needed geometric functions by passing an implementation of Knearest. The user provides a point, and the number of nearest objects to return. Then the equivalent to a Vec<(&mut T,N)> is returned where T is the element, and N is its distance. Even if you are only looking for one closest element, becaise of ties, it is possible for many many bots to be returned. If we only returned an arbitrary one, then that would make verification against the naive algorithm harder. It is possible for the Vec returned to be empty if the tree does not contain any bots. While ties are possible, the ordering in which the ties are returned is arbitrary and has no meaning.

If the user looks for multiple nearest, then the Vec will return first, all the 1st closest ties, then all the 2nd closest ties, etc.

Slice splitting functions are provided that will split up the Vec into slices over just the ties.



Splits a mutable slice into multiple slices The splits occur where the predicate returns false.


Splits a mutable slice into multiple slices The splits occur where the predicate returns false.


Returned by k_nearest_mut



The geometric functions that the user must provide.

