[][src]Module dinotree_alg::raycast

Contains all raycast code.

User guide

There are four flavors of the same fundamental raycast api provided in this module. There is a naive version, and there is a version that uses the tree, and there are mutable versions of those that return mutable references.

In addition to the tree, the user provides the geometric functions needed by passing an implementation of RayTrait. The user must also provide a rectangle within which all objects that the user is interested in possibly being hit by the raycast must include.

What is returned is the distance to where the ray cast stopped, plus a list of all bots at that distance. In most cases, only one object is returned, but in the cases where they are ties more can be returned. All possible solutions are returned since it would be hard to define which of the tied objects would be returned. So the Option returns Some() if and only if the list returned has atleast one element in it.


At first the algorithm worked by splitting the ray into two where the ray intersected the divider. So one ray would have the same origin point, and the other would have the point at which the ray intersected the divder as the origin point. The problem with this is that there might not be a clean solution to the new point of the second ray. The point that you compute may not lie exactly on a point along the ray.

With real numbers this isnt a problem. There would always be a solution. But real numbers don't exist in the real world. Floating points will be close, but not perfect. If you are using integers, the corner case problems are more apparent.

The solution instead was to never subdivide the ray. Its always the same. Instead, keep subdividing the area into rectangles.

Why does the user have to provide a finite rectangle up front? The reason is implementation simplicity/performance. By doing this, we don't have to special case the nodes along the outside of the tree. We also don't have have to worry about overflow and underflow problems of providing a rectangle that just barely fits into the number type.



A Ray.



Describes if a ray hit a rectangle.



This is the trait that defines raycast specific geometric functions that are needed by this raytracing algorithm. By containing all these functions in this trait, we can keep the trait bounds of the underlying NumTrait to a minimum of only needing Ord.

