Macro dimensioned::make_units [] [src]

macro_rules! make_units {
     $one:ident: $Unitless:ident;
     base {
         $($base:ident: $Unit:ident, $print_as:expr $(, $base_dim:ident)*;)+
     derived {
         $($derived_const:ident: $Derived:ident = ($($derived_rhs:tt)+) $(, $derived_dim:ident)*;)*
     constants {
         $($constant:ident: $ConstantUnit:ident = $constant_value:expr;)*
     fmt = $to_fmt:ident;
    ) => { ... };

Create a new unit system

This macro is the heart of this library and is used to create the unit systems with which it ships.

If you find yourself using this macro, please think about whether the unit system you are creating would be useful to others; if so, submit an issue to get it added to dimensioned.

Rather than try to parse the definition above, we will show an example of calling it, and then walk through it line by line.

extern crate dimensioned as dim;

pub mod ms {
    make_units! {
        ONE: Unitless;

        base {
            M: Meter, "m", Length;
            S: Second, "s", Time;

        derived {
            MPS: MeterPerSecond = (Meter / Second), Velocity;
            HZ: Hertz = (Unitless / Second), Frequency;

            M3: Meter3 = (Meter * Meter * Meter), Volume;
            M5: Meter5 = (Meter3 * Meter * Meter);

        constants {
            FT: Meter = 0.3048;
            CM: Meter = CENTI * M.value_unsafe;

            MIN: Second = 60.0;
            HR: Second = 60.0 * MIN.value_unsafe;

            PI: Unitless = consts::PI;

        fmt = true;
    pub use self::f64consts::*;

Okay, now let's walk through it.

The macro performs some imports and defines quite a few things, so it's strongly recommended to put it in its own module.

pub mod ms {

The first line after calling the macro is just the name we want to give the unit system followed by a semi-colon. This will be the name of the only type we define; all other type definitions are aliases to this type with different parameters.

make_units! {

The next line is the name of the constant and type alias we want for a dimensionless quantity in your system. That is, when all units have power of 0.

ONE: Unitless;

In the base block, we define the base units for our system. Each line is of the format CONST: Type, "token", Dimension; where CONST is the constant we create, Type is the type alias that we'll make for this unit, token is what will show up when we print it, and Dimension is optional. If present, the macro will implement said dimension from the dimensions module for this unit.

base {
            M: Meter, "m", Length;
            S: Second, "s", Time;

In the derived block, we can make derived units from our base units. The beginning is similar; we have CONST: Type. After the equal signs, we have a formula to define this unit. The parentheses are required, and the only things that can be inside them are the names of other units, and the * and / operators. Hopefully, this part of the macro will be made more flexibile in the future. Finally, we again end with an optional dimension. Note that there is none present for the M5 line.

derived {
            MPS: MeterPerSecond = (Meter / Second), Velocity;
            HZ: Hertz = (Unitless / Second), Frequency;

            M3: Meter3 = (Meter * Meter * Meter), Volume;
            M5: Meter5 = (Meter3 * Meter * Meter);

In the constants block, we can define constants of whatever values we wish. Note that the constants in the base and derived blocks are always created with a value of 1.0.

All constants are created in both f32 and f64 flavors, in the submodules f32consts and f64consts, respectively.

In these submodules, the consts from the respective version of f32prefixes or f64prefixes are in scope, hence the use of CENTI in the CM definition.

In addition, the the respective version of core::f32::consts or core::f64::consts is in scope, which allows the use of consts::PI in the `PI definition.

constants {
            FT: Meter = 0.3048;
            CM: Meter = CENTI * M.value_unsafe;

            MIN: Second = 60.0;
            HR: Second = 60.0 * MIN.value_unsafe;

            PI: Unitless = consts::PI;

Finally, we have the fmt line. This line can either be fmt = true; or fmt = false;. In either case, the trait core::fmt::Debug is implemented for your unit system, but all of the other fmt traits are implemented only if this is true. Setting it to false allows you to have custom printing for your system.

fmt = true;

This line isn't part of the macro, but I wanted to include it as it is in all of the unit systems defined in dimensioned. It lets us use the f64 flavor of constants much easier. E.g. we can now type ms::M instead of ms::f64consts::M.

    pub use self::f64consts::*;

And that's it! The macro may seem complicated at first, but if you end up using it, I hope that it starts seeming intuitive fairly quickly.

In addition to creating a type, type aliases, and constants, this macro implements many traits for your unit system, including (but not limited to) the traits in the traits module and arithmetic operations.