Macro dimensioned::derived [] [src]

macro_rules! derived {
    ($module:ident, $System:ident: $name:ident = $($tail:tt)*) => { ... };

Create a derived unit based on existing ones

This macro creates a type, so it is useful when you need to directly express the type of a derived unit that is not defined in its unit system.

If you need a variable of some derived unit, then the easiest way is to manipulate constants, like so:

use dim::si::M;

let inverse_volume = 3.0 / M/M/M;

This macro is a bit fragile. It only supports the operators * and / and no parentheses. It requires the base type of your unit system and the module it was defined in to be in scope.

Use it like so:

use dim::si::{self, SI};
derived!(si, SI: InverseMeter3 = Unitless / Meter3);

You may use any of the base or derived units that come with a unit system (but none created by this macro) on the right-hand side of the expression.


extern crate dimensioned as dim;

use dim::si::{self, SI};

derived!(si, SI: InverseMeter3 = Unitless / Meter3);
derived!(si, SI: Newton2PerSecond = Newton * Newton / Second);

use dim::Recip;
fn invert_volume(v: si::Meter3<f64>) -> InverseMeter3<f64> {

fn main() {
   let v = 12.0 * si::M3;

   let inverse_volume = invert_volume(v);
   assert_eq!(1.0/v, inverse_volume);