[][src]Crate digest_auth

This crate implements Digest Auth headers as specified by IETF RFCs 2069, 2617, and 7616. It can be used in conjunction with libraries like reqwest to access e.g. IP cameras that use this authentication scheme.

This library is intended for the http client. The algorithm is symmetrical, it's just not optimized for / tested on the server side yet.


Basic usage:

use digest_auth::AuthContext;

// Value from the WWW-Authenticate HTTP header (usually in a HTTP 401 response)
let www_authenticate = r#"Digest realm="http-auth@example.org", qop="auth, auth-int", algorithm=MD5, nonce="7ypf/xlj9XXwfDPEoM4URrv/xwf94BcCAzFZH4GiTo0v", opaque="FQhe/qaU925kfnzjCev0ciny7QMkPqMAFRtzCUYo5tdS""#;

// Prepare an authorization context. Note that this is a GET request. There are different
// constructors available for POST or other request types. You can re-use it, but
// it's cheap to create a fresh one each time, as the struct uses references only.
let mut context = AuthContext::new("Mufasa", "Circle of Life", "/dir/index.html");
// For this test, we inject a custom cnonce. It's generated for you otherwise
// - you don't need `mut` in that case and needn't worry about this at all.

// Parse the prompt header. You can inspect the parsed object, its fields are public.
let mut prompt = digest_auth::parse(www_authenticate).unwrap();

// Compute a value for the Authorization header that we'll send back to the server
let answer = prompt.respond(&context).unwrap().to_string();
assert_eq!(answer, r#"Digest username="Mufasa", realm="http-auth@example.org", nonce="7ypf/xlj9XXwfDPEoM4URrv/xwf94BcCAzFZH4GiTo0v", uri="/dir/index.html", qop=auth, nc=00000001, cnonce="f2/wE4q74E6zIJEtWaHKaf5wv/H5QzzpXusqGemxURZJ", response="8ca523f5e9506fed4657c9700eebdbec", opaque="FQhe/qaU925kfnzjCev0ciny7QMkPqMAFRtzCUYo5tdS", algorithm=MD5"#);

// The `prompt` variable is mutable, because the 'nc' counter (nonce reuse count)
// is inside the struct and updated automatically.

// You can re-use it for subsequent requests, assuming the server allows nonce re-use.
// Some poorly implemented servers will reject it and give you 401 again, in which case
// you should parse the new "WWW-Authenticate" header and use that instead.

let answer2 = prompt.respond(&context).unwrap().to_string();
// notice how the 'response' field changed - the 'nc' counter is included in the hash
assert_eq!(answer2, r#"Digest username="Mufasa", realm="http-auth@example.org", nonce="7ypf/xlj9XXwfDPEoM4URrv/xwf94BcCAzFZH4GiTo0v", uri="/dir/index.html", qop=auth, nc=00000002, cnonce="f2/wE4q74E6zIJEtWaHKaf5wv/H5QzzpXusqGemxURZJ", response="4b5d595ecf2db9df612ea5b45cd97101", opaque="FQhe/qaU925kfnzjCev0ciny7QMkPqMAFRtzCUYo5tdS", algorithm=MD5"#);



Algorithm and the -sess flag pair


Login attempt context


Header sent back to the server, including password hashes.


WWW-Authenticate header parsed from HTTP header value



HTTP method (used when generating the response hash for some Qop options)


QOP field values



Parse the WWW-Authorization header value. It's just a convenience method to call WwwAuthenticateHeader::parse().