Module digest_hash::personality[][src]

Helper functions for hashing data in a specific representation.

The Hash trait implementations provided by this crate do not cover machine-dependent data types, or types for which data representation for calculating a digest is subject to implementer's choice. This module defines helper functions that provide an explicit, auditable way to select some commonly used representation choices.


The recommended way to use the hash personality helper functions is to list them in use statements at the beginning of the module that provides Hash implementations using the functions. For convenience, the functions can be given short local names.

use digest_hash::personality::hash_bool_as_byte as hash_bool;
use digest_hash::personality::hash_ip_addr_as_ipv6_in_network_order
    as hash_ip_addr;
use digest_hash::{Hash, EndianInput};
use std::net::IpAddr;

pub struct A {
    addr: IpAddr,
    foo: bool

impl Hash for A {
    fn hash<H>(&self, digest: &mut H)
    where H: EndianInput {
        hash_ip_addr(self.addr, digest);
        hash_bool(, digest);



Feeds a boolean value as a byte to the digest function.


Feeds a Unicode character, encoded in UTF-8, to the digest function.


Feeds a Unicode character, encoded in UTF-16, to the digest function.


Feeds a Unicode character, encoded in UTF-32, to the digest function.


Feeds an IP address, canonicalized as an IPv6 address, in the network byte order to the digest function.


Feeds an IPv4 address in the network byte order to the digest function.


Feeds an IPv6 address in the network byte order to the digest function.


Computes the digest over a slice by feeding the slice's elements in the direct order to the digest function.


Encodes a string in UTF-16 and feeds it to the digest function.


Encodes a string in UTF-16, prepended with a Byte Order Mark (U+FEFF) code point, and feeds it to the digest function.