Expand description

Re-exports important traits and types. Meant to be glob imported when using Diesel.


Allow two or more columns which are otherwise unrelated to be used together in a group by clause.

Allow two or more tables which are otherwise unrelated to be used together in a query.

Allow two tables to be referenced in a join query without providing an explicit ON clause.

Declare a sql function for use in your code.

Specifies that a table exists, and what columns it has. This will create a new public module, with the same name, as the name of the table. In this module, you’ll find a unit struct named table, and a unit struct with the names of each of the columns.


A connection to a MySQL database. Connection URLs should be in the form mysql://[user[:password]@]host/database_name


The connection string expected by PgConnection::establish should be a PostgreSQL connection string, as documented at https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-CONNSTRING

Connections for the SQLite backend. Unlike other backends, SQLite supported connection URLs are:


Errors which can occur during Connection::establish


Indicates that all elements of an expression are valid given a from clause.

Types which can be passed to update.set.

Constructs a query that finds record(s) based on directional association with other record(s).

Methods present on boolean expressions

Helper trait used when boxing expressions.

A column on a database table. Types which implement this trait should have been generated by the table! macro.

Extension trait to combine queries using a combinator like UNION, INTERSECT or EXPECT with or without ALL rule for duplicates

A connection to a database

Interface to add information to conflict targets. Designed to be open for further additions to conflict targets like constraints

Adds the escape method to LIKE and NOT LIKE. This is used to specify the escape character for the pattern.

Represents a typed fragment of SQL.

Methods present on all expressions, except tuples

The grouped_by function groups records by their parent.

This trait indicates that a struct represents a single row in a database table.

Represents that a structure can be used to insert a new row into the database. This is automatically implemented for &[T] and &Vec<T> for inserting more than one record.

Converts a type to its representation for use in Diesel’s query builder.

Specify the ON clause for a join statement. This will override any implicit ON clause that would come from joinable!

Indicates that two tables can be joined without an explicit ON clause.

Methods present on all expressions

PostgreSQL specific methods present on JSON and JSONB expressions.


PostgreSQL specific methods present on array expressions.


PostgreSQL specific methods which are present on all expressions.


PostgreSQL specific methods present on JSONB expressions.


PostgreSQL specific methods present between CIDR/INET expressions


PostgreSQL specific methods present on range expressions.


PostgreSQL expression methods related to sorting.


PostgreSQL specific methods present on text expressions.

PostgreSQL specific methods present on timestamp expressions.

Methods used to construct select statements.

Represents a type which can appear in the FROM clause. Apps should not need to concern themselves with this trait.

Trait indicating that a record can be queried from the database.

Deserializes the result of a query constructed with sql_query.

Methods used to execute queries.

Sugar for types which implement both AsChangeset and Identifiable

Trait indicating that a record can be selected and queried from the database.

Indicates that an expression can be selected from a source.

This helper trait provides several methods for constructing a select or returning clause based on a Selectable implementation.

Sqlite specific methods which are present on all expressions.

A SQL database table. Types which implement this trait should have been generated by the table! macro.

Methods present on text expressions

Type Definitions

A specialized result type for establishing connections.

A specialized result type for queries.

Derive Macros

Implements AsChangeset

Implement required traits for the associations API

Implements Identifiable for references of the current type

Implements Insertable

Implements Queryable to load the result of statically typed queries

Implements QueryableByName for untyped sql queries, such as that one generated by sql_query

Implements Selectable