initSidebarItems({"enum":[["PgNumeric",""]],"struct":[["PgDate","Dates are represented in Postgres as a 32 bit signed integer representing the number of julian days since January 1st 2000. This struct is a dumb wrapper type, meant only to indicate the integer's meaning."],["PgInterval","Intervals in Postgres are separated into 3 parts. A 64 bit integer representing time in microseconds, a 32 bit integer representing number of minutes, and a 32 bit integer representing number of months. This struct is a dumb wrapper type, meant only to indicate the meaning of these parts."],["PgTime","Time is represented in Postgres as a 64 bit signed integer representing the number of microseconds since midnight. This struct is a dumb wrapper type, meant only to indicate the integer's meaning."],["PgTimestamp","Timestamps are represented in Postgres as a 32 bit signed integer representing the number of microseconds since January 1st 2000. This struct is a dumb wrapper type, meant only to indicate the integer's meaning."]]});