initSidebarItems({"fn":[["delete","Creates a delete statement. Will delete the records in the given set. Because this function has a very generic name, it is not exported by default."],["insert","Creates an insert statement. Will add the given data to a table. This function is not exported by default. As with other commands, the resulting query can return the inserted rows if you choose."],["update","Creates an update statement. Helpers for updating a single row can be generated by `#[changeset_for]`."]],"mod":[["insert_statement",""],["update_statement",""]],"struct":[["IncompleteInsertStatement","The structure returned by `insert`. The only thing that can be done with it is call `into`."],["IncompleteUpdateStatement","The type returned by `update`. The only thing you can do with this type is call `set` on it."]],"trait":[["AsChangeset","Types which can be passed to `update.set`. This can be automatically generated for structs by `#[changeset_for]`."],["AsQuery","Types that can be converted into a complete, typed SQL query. This is used internally to automatically add the right select clause when none is specified, or to automatically add `RETURNING *` in certain contexts"],["Changeset","Apps should not need to concern themselves with this trait."],["Query","A complete SQL query with a return type. This can be a select statement, or a command such as `update` or `insert` with a `RETURNING` clause. Unlike `Expression`, types implementing this trait are guaranteed to be executable on their own."],["QueryBuilder","Apps should not need to concern themselves with this trait."],["QueryFragment","An untyped fragment of SQL. This may be a complete SQL command (such as an update statement without a `RETURNING` clause), or a subsection (such as our internal types used to represent a `WHERE` clause). All methods on `Connection` that execute a query require this trait to be implemented."],["UpdateTarget","You should not need to implement this trait. `table!` will implement it for you."]],"type":[["BuildQueryResult",""]]});