Module diesel::expression [] [src]

AST types representing various typed SQL expressions. Almost all types implement either Expression or AsExpression.

The most common expression to work with is a Column. There are various methods that you can call on these, found in expression_methods. You can also call numeric operators on types which have been passed to operator_allowed! or numeric_expr!.

Any primitive which implements ToSql will also implement AsExpression, allowing it to be used as an argument to any of the methods described here.


pub use self::dsl::*;
pub use self::sql_literal::SqlLiteral;



Reexports various top level functions and core extensions that are too generic to export by default. This module exists to conveniently glob import in functions where you need them.


The types in this module are all shorthand for PredicateType<Lhs, AsExpr<Rhs, Lhs>>. Since we often need to return concrete types, instead of a boxed trait object, these can be useful for writing concise return types.




Indicates that all elements of an expression are valid given a from clause. This is used to ensure that users.filter(posts::id.eq(1)) fails to compile. This constraint is only used in places where the nullability of a SQL type doesn't matter (everything except select and returning). For places where nullability is important, SelectableExpression is used instead.


Describes how a type can be represented as an expression for a given type. These types couldn't just implement Expression directly, as many things can be used as an expression of multiple types. (String for example, can be used as either VarChar or Text).


Helper trait used when boxing expressions. This exists to work around the fact that Rust will not let us use non-core types as bounds on a trait object (you could not return Box<Expression+NonAggregate>)


Represents a typed fragment of SQL.


Marker trait to indicate that an expression does not include any aggregate functions. Used to ensure that aggregate expressions aren't mixed with non-aggregate expressions in a select clause, and that they're never included in a where clause.


Indicates that an expression can be selected from a source. Columns will implement this for their table. Certain special types, like CountStar and Bound will implement this for all sources. Most compound expressions will implement this if each of their parts implement it.