Module diesel::prelude [] [src]

Re-exports important traits and types. Meant to be glob imported when using Diesel.


pub use associations::Identifiable;
pub use connection::Connection;
pub use expression::Expression;
pub use expression::SelectableExpression;
pub use expression::AppearsOnTable;
pub use expression::BoxableExpression;
pub use expression_methods::*;
pub use query_source::QuerySource;
pub use query_source::Queryable;
pub use query_source::Table;
pub use query_source::Column;
pub use result::QueryResult;
pub use result::ConnectionError;
pub use result::ConnectionResult;
pub use result::OptionalExtension;



Boxes the pieces of a query into a single type. This is useful for cases where you want to conditionally modify a query, but need the type to remain the same. The backend must be specified as part of this. It is not possible to box a query and have it be useable on multiple backends.


Adds a simple count function to queries. Automatically implemented for all types which implement SelectDsl.


Adds the DISTINCT keyword to a query.


Adds to the WHERE clause of a query. If there is already a WHERE clause, the result will be old AND new. This is automatically implemented for the various query builder types.


Attempts to find a single record from the given table by primary key.


Represents that a structure can be used to to insert a new row into the database. This is automatically implemented for &[T] and &Vec<T> for inserting more than one record.


Indicates that two tables can be used together in a JOIN clause. Implementations of this trait will be generated for you automatically by the association annotations from codegen.


Sets the limit clause of a query. If there was already a limit clause, it will be overridden. This is automatically implemented for the various query builder types.


Methods to execute a query given a connection. These are automatically implemented for the various query types.


Sets the offset clause of a query. If there was already a offset clause, it will be overridden. This is automatically implemented for the various query builder types.


Sets the order clause of a query. If there was already a order clause, it will be overridden. The expression passed to order must actually be valid for the query. See also: .desc() and .asc()


Sets the select clause of a query. If there was already a select clause, it will be overridden. The expression passed to select must actually be valid for the query (only contains columns from the target table, doesn't mix aggregate + non-aggregate expressions, etc).