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Add soft-delete integration to the Diesel query builder.

Soft deletion is a practice where a database entry is not actually deleted, but flagged as deleted. This often takes the form of a deleted boolean flag. However this implies always filtering on this flag in your queries, which is both cumbersome and error prone: always filtering on the flag is repetitive, can be forgotten and can lead to incorrect queries in e.g. joins.

The main additions of this library are to the query builder, with new operations:


Your model needs to have a deleted boolean column. Then, use the soft_delete macro to implement the SoftDelete trait on the table. And that’s it! The soft_find and other functions are ready to be used in place of the regular find etc macros once the prelude is imported.


use diesel_softdelete::prelude::*;

table! {
    user (id) {
        id -> Integer,
        name -> Text,
        deleted -> Bool,

    create table user(
        id integer primary key,
        name text not null,
        deleted bool not null default false
    insert into user(id, name, deleted) values (1, 'Alice', false), (2, 'Bob', true);

let name = user::table.soft_find(1).select(user::name).first::<String>(&conn).optional()?;
assert_eq!(name, Some("Alice".to_owned()));
let name = user::table.soft_find(2).select(user::name).first::<String>(&conn).optional()?;
assert_eq!(name, None);


Expression methods implemented on the table.

Methods to use on the query builder


Implement the SoftDelete trait on a Diesel table. By default, assumes the deleted flag name is deleted.


A SQL database table that makes use of Soft Delete