dicom-fromimage 0.7.0

A CLI tool for replacing the image content from DICOM files
dicom-fromimage-0.7.0 is not a library.

DICOM-rs fromimage

CratesIO Documentation

This command line tool takes a base DICOM file of the image module and replaces the various DICOM attributes with those of another file.

This tool is part of the DICOM-rs project.


dicom-fromimage 0.1.0
Convert and replace a DICOM file's image with another image

    dicom-fromimage.exe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <dcm-file> <img-file>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose    Print more information about the image and the output file

    -o, --out <output>    Path to the output image (default is to replace input extension with `.new.dcm`)

    <dcm-file>    Path to the base DICOM file to read
    <img-file>    Path to the image file to replace the DICOM file