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Diagnostics tools.

Module :: diagnostics_tools

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Diagnostics tools.


#[ test ]
#[ should_panic ]
fn a_id_panic_test()
  a_id!( 1, 2 );
    print :

thread 'a_id_panic_test' panicked at 'assertion failed: `(left == right)`

Diff < left / right > :

To add to your project

Try out from the repository

git clone https://github.com/Wandalen/wTools
cd wTools
cd sample/rust/diagnostics_tools_trivial
cargo run


pub use super::orphan::*;
pub use super::exposed::*;
pub use super::exposed::*;



Compile-time asserting.

Exposed namespace of the module.

Compile-time asserting of memory layout.

Orphan namespace of the module.

Prelude to use essentials: use my_module::prelude::*.

Protected namespace of the module.


Asserts that two expressions are identical to each other.

Asserts that two expressions are not identical to each other.

Asserts that a boolean expression is true at runtime.

Asserts that a boolean expression is true at runtime.

Compile-time assertion that two values have the same size.

Compile-time assertion that memory behind two references have the same size.

Macro to compare meta condition is true at compile-time.

Compile-time assertion of having the same align.

Compile-time assertion that two types have the same size.