Module dharma::event_loop [] [src]

Implementation of main thread loop with notification listening.

EventLoop organizes work flow of a single thread. Independent logical parts of application called Modules can be freely added to given EventLoops creating flexible multi-threading framework. EventLoop contains one receiver which can be used to push events and data to event queue.

Modules are created inside new thread so do not have to implement Send. User passes only their constructors to EventLoopInfo structure which is context for creation on EventLoop.

If EventLoop is not enough or too much, one can make new loop by implementing Service trait.



Thread loop with event queue with communication over bridges.


Context for creation of EventLoop.


Context for creation of Service.



Module defines independent part of application. One module is bounded only to single thread. More modules may be run in the same thread. Modules do not share memory, communicate with signals.


To avoid requirement for Module to be Send and Sync it is constructed by special trait object.


Trait for all Services.


To avoid requirement for Service to be Send and Sync it is constructed by special trait object.