Expand description

Provides implementations for modifying Nd arrays on the Cpu.


The CPU device


Allocate an Nd array on the heap.

Represents something that can act on T.

Fills all elements with the specified function

Foreach methods with 1 axis broadcasted. Sm is Lg with the Ith axis reduced.

Foreach methods with 2 axes broadcasted. Sm is Lg with the I and J axes reduced.

Foreach methods with 3 axes broadcasted.

Foreach methods with 4 axes broadcasted.

Apply generic function to various forms/numbers of ndarrays.

Reduce the Ith axis of T. For example given T of shape (M, N, O), you can reduce:

Reduce an entire Nd array to 1 value

Select values from T using Indices and producing R along a single AXIS.