Module dfdx::nn

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Neural network building blocks such as Linear and impls for tuples as feedforward networks.


Unit struct that impls Module as calling abs() on input.

Unit struct that impls Module as calling cos() on input.

Unit struct that impls Module as calling exp() on input.

A linear transformation of the form xW + b, where W is a matrix, x is a vector or matrix, and b is a vector. If x is a matrix this does matrix multiplication.

Unit struct that impls Module as calling ln() on input.

Unit struct that impls Module as calling relu() on input.

Unit struct that impls Module as calling sigmoid() on input.

Unit struct that impls Module as calling sin() on input.

Unit struct that impls Module as calling sqrt() on input.

Unit struct that impls Module as calling square() on input.

Unit struct that impls Module as calling tanh() on input.


A unit of a neural network. Acts on the generic Input and produces Module::Output.