Expand description

Operations on tensors like relu(), matmul(), softmax(), and more.

Generic function and struct methods

All functionality is provided in two ways.

  1. The generic standalone function that takes a generic parameter. e.g. relu().
  2. The struct method for tensor structs. e.g. crate::tensor::Tensor1D::relu().

The struct methods are all just pass throughs to the generic function.

Axes/Dimensions for broadcasting/reductions/selecting

For the following sections, some traits/functions utilizing const isize to determine the axis to apply the transformation to.

Here are the valid axes for each tensor:

  1. Tensor0D: Axis<0>
  2. Tensor1D: Axis<0>
  3. Tensor2D: Axis<0>, Axis<1>
  4. Tensor3D: Axis<0>, Axis<1>, Axis<2>,
  5. Tensor4D: Axis<0>, Axis<1>, Axis<2>, Axis<3>

Additionally AllAxes is valid for all tensors. To specify multiple axes you can use Axes2, Axes3, and Axes4


There are a number of functions that reduce 1 or more axes. Valid axes and reductions can be seen by viewing the Reduce or ReduceTo traits. Anything that can be Reduce’d can also be BroadcastTo the same tensor.

There are 2 ways to call each axis reducing function:

  1. The tensor method (e.g. crate::tensor::Tensor1D::sum()), where the axes are inferred based on the output type.
let t: Tensor3D<2, 4, 6> = TensorCreator::zeros();
let _: Tensor1D<4> = t.sum();
  1. The generic function (e.g. sum), where you need to specify the axes as generic parameters
let t: Tensor3D<2, 4, 6> = TensorCreator::zeros();
let _: Tensor1D<4> = sum::<_, Axes2<0, 2>>(t);

Complete list of reductions:


Broadcasting tensors is provided through the BroadcastTo trait. Generally the axes can be inferred by the type of the output, so you don’t have to explicitly specify them.

To broadcast a tensor to be the same size as another tensor you can use like so:

let big: Tensor2D<2, 5> = TensorCreator::zeros();

// broadcast the 1nd axis
let a: Tensor2D<2, 5> = Tensor1D::<5>::zeros().broadcast();
add(a, big.clone());

// broadcast the 2nd axis
let a: Tensor2D<2, 5> = Tensor1D::<2>::zeros().broadcast();
add(a, big);

Permutating axes

Permutating axes is done via PermuteTo, and similar to braodcasting/reducing, you can just specify the output type and the axes will be inferred.

2D version:

let t: Tensor2D<2, 3> = TensorCreator::zeros();
let _: Tensor2D<3, 2> = t.permute();

3D version:

let t: Tensor3D<2, 3, 4> = TensorCreator::zeros();
let _: Tensor3D<3, 4, 2> = t.permute();

4D version:

let t: Tensor4D<2, 3, 4, 5> = TensorCreator::zeros();
let _: Tensor4D<3, 5, 2, 4> = t.permute();


Selecting or indexing into a tensor is done via SelectTo::select(). This traits enables 2 behaviors for each axis of a given tensor:

  1. Select exactly 1 element from that axis.
  2. Select Z elements (can be different from the size of the axis) from that axis

For example here is selecting from the 0th axis of a 2d tensor:

let t = Tensor2D::new([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]);

let a: Tensor1D<3> = t.clone().select(&0); // select the first row
assert_eq!(a.data(), &[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]);

let b: Tensor2D<5, 3> = t.select(&[0, 0, 1, 1, 1]); // select each row multiple times

This can be done per axis as well, which allows a number of combinations. Here is the same example but selecting from the last axis of a 2d tensor:

let t = tensor([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]);

let a: Tensor1D<2> = t.clone().select(&[0, 2]); // select one element from the last axis
assert_eq!(a.data(), &[1.0, 6.0]);

let b: Tensor2D<2, 2> = t.select(&[[0, 2], [1, 1]]); // select multiple from the last axis
assert_eq!(b.data(), &[[1.0, 3.0], [5.0, 5.0]]);


Broadcast self into T along Axes. Opposite of Reduce.
Enables concrete output types for generic matmul functions. Without this you’d have to specify type of output.
Enables concrete output types for generic matmul functions. Without this you’d have to specify type of output.
Permutes self into T with the new order of axes specified via Axes.
Remove Axes of tensor by reducing them. Opposite of BroadcastTo.
Reduce Axes of Self to produce a T
Requires Nightly Reshape Self into T.
Select values along Axes resulting in T. Equivalent to torch.select and torch.gather from pytorch.


Element wise addition.
t + val. val is used for all elements of t.
Runs backprop algorithm with all operations contained in the tape that t has.
Clamp all elements between the provided min and max values.
Element wise division.
t / val. val is used for all elements of t.
Does nothing if no tape is in t. Zeros elements with probability p and scales all elements by 1 / (1 - p). See Tape::OWNS_TAPE.
log(softmax(t)) in numerically stable way across Axes. Does t - logsumexp(t) under the hood.
Computes the LogSumExp function across Axes
Matrix multiplication. This also supports batched matrix multiplication, and broadcasted matrix multiplication.
Matrix multiplication with the transpose of rhs. Equivalent to matmul(lhs, transpose(rhs)). This supports the same variants as matmul (broadcasted, batched, etc).
Reduces Axes of the tensor by gathering the maximum value from that dimension.
Element wise maximum.
Average the values along Axes of T.
Reduces Axes of the tensor by gathering the minimum value from the axes.
Element wise minimum.
Element wise multiplication.
t * val. val is used for all elements of t.
Replaces any std::f32::NAN with value.
Negates all elements.
Normalizes t to have mean 0.0 and stddev 1.0 along Axes of T. epsilon is passed to stddev(). Computes (t - t.mean(Axes)) / t.std(Axes, epsilon).
Raises to a float power. t^i.
Raises to an integer power. t^i.
Computes the softmax function across Axes.
√t or t^0.5
Reduces Axes of T by computing std deviation of all values in those axes. Result Tensor has smaller number of dimensions.
Element wise subtraction.
t - val. val is used for all elements of t.
Sum values along axes Axes of T.
Sets t to value anywhere mask equals value
Reduces Axes of T by computing variance of all values in those axes. Result Tensor has smaller number of dimensions.
vector * matrix multiplication.
vector * matrix multiplication where rhs is transposed. y * transpose(rhs)