Expand description

Optimizers such as Sgd, Adam, and RMSprop that can optimize neural networks.


All the optimizer’s provide Default implementations, and also provide a way to specify all the relevant parameters through the corresponding config object:

Updating network parameters

This is done via Optimizer::update(), where you pass in a mutable crate::nn::Module, and the crate::gradients::Gradients:

let mut model: MyModel = Default::default();
let mut opt: Sgd<MyModel> = Default::default();
// -- snip loss computation --

let gradients: Gradients = backward(loss);
opt.update(&mut model, gradients);


An implementation of the Adam optimizer from Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization
Configuration of hyperparameters for Adam.
RMSprop As described in Hinton, 2012.
Configuration of hyperparameters for RMSprop.
Implementation of Stochastic Gradient Descent. Based on pytorch’s implementation
Configuration of hyperparameters for Sgd.
An error indicating that a parameter was not used in gradient computation, and was therefore not present in Gradients while a CanUpdateWithGradients was trying to update it.


Momentum used for Sgd
L2 and decoupled regularization methods


All optimizers must implement the update function, which takes an object that implements CanUpdateWithGradients, and calls CanUpdateWithGradients::update.