initSidebarItems({"constant":[["DM_ACTIVE_PRESENT","Out: Active table is present."],["DM_BUFFER_FULL","Out: Passed-in buffer was too small."],["DM_DATA_OUT","Out: A message generated output data."],["DM_DEFERRED_REMOVE","In: Do not remove in-use devices. Out: Device scheduled to be removed when closed."],["DM_INACTIVE_PRESENT","Out: Inactive table is present."],["DM_INTERNAL_SUSPEND","Out: Device is suspended internally."],["DM_NOFLUSH","In: Suspend without flushing queued I/Os."],["DM_PERSISTENT_DEV","In: Use passed-in minor number."],["DM_QUERY_INACTIVE_TABLE","In: Query inactive table instead of active."],["DM_READONLY","In: Device should be read-only. Out: Device is read-only."],["DM_SECURE_DATA","In: All buffers are wiped after use. Use when handling crypto keys."],["DM_SKIP_BDGET","Obsolete."],["DM_SKIP_LOCKFS","In: Avoid freezing filesystem when suspending."],["DM_STATUS_TABLE","In: STATUS command returns table info instead of status."],["DM_SUSPEND","In: Device should be suspended. Out: Device is suspended."],["DM_UEVENT_GENERATED","Out: A uevent was generated, the caller may need to wait for it."],["DM_UUID","In: Rename affects UUID field, not name field."]],"enum":[["DevId","Used as a parameter for functions that take either a Device name or a Device UUID."]],"fn":[["dev_majors","Major numbers used by DM."]],"struct":[["DM","Context needed for communicating with devicemapper."],["Device","A struct containing the device's major and minor numbers"],["DeviceInfo","Contains information about the device."],["DmFlags","Flags used by devicemapper."]],"type":[["TargetLine","This 4-tuple consists of starting offset (sectors), length (sectors), target type (string, e.g. \"linear\"), and params(string). See target documentation for the format of each target type's params field."]]});