Module desync::scheduler[][src]

The scheduler provides the JobQueue synchronisation mechanism.


The scheduler provides a new synchronisation mechanism: the JobQueue. You can get one by calling scheduler::queue():

use desync::scheduler;
let queue = scheduler::queue();

A JobQueue allows jobs to be scheduled in the background. Jobs are scheduled in the order that they arrive, so anything on a queue is run synchronously with respect to the queue itself. The async call can be used to schedule stuff:

scheduler::async(&queue, || println!("First job"));
scheduler::async(&queue, || println!("Second job"));
scheduler::async(&queue, || println!("Third job"));

These will be scheduled onto background threads created by the scheduler. There is also a sync method. Unlike async, this can return a value from the job function it takes as a parameter and doesn't return until its job has completed:

scheduler::async(&queue, || println!("In the background"));
let someval = scheduler::sync(&queue, || { println!("In the foreground"); 42 });

As queues are synchronous with themselves, it's possible to access data without needing extra synchronisation primitives: async is perfect for updating data in the background and sync can be used to perform operations where data is returned to the calling thread.



A job queue provides a list of jobs to perform in order


The scheduler is used to schedule tasks onto a pool of threads



Performs an action asynchronously on the specified queue


Schedules a job to run and returns a future for retrieving the result


Creates a scheduler queue


Retrieves the global scheduler


Performs an action synchronously on the specified queue