Crate destiny

Expand description

This is a crate for dice rolling utilities.


Roll some dice using destiny::parse_dice_string:

use destiny::parse_dice_string;

println!("{}", parse_dice_string("1d4"));
println!("{}", parse_dice_string("1d6"));
println!("{}", parse_dice_string("2d6"));
println!("{}", parse_dice_string("1d8 + 3"));
println!("{}", parse_dice_string("1d6 + 2d8"));

Calculate distributions using destiny::DiceDistribution:

use destiny::DiceDistribution;
let dd = DiceDistribution::new("2d6");
/* this will output:
| Roll | #Rolls | Roll%  | Roll>=% | Roll<% |
| 2    | 1      | 2.78%  | 100.00% | 0.00%  |
| 3    | 2      | 5.56%  | 97.22%  | 2.78%  |
| 4    | 3      | 8.33%  | 91.67%  | 8.33%  |
| 5    | 4      | 11.11% | 83.33%  | 16.67% |
| 6    | 5      | 13.89% | 72.22%  | 27.78% |
| 7    | 6      | 16.67% | 58.33%  | 41.67% |
| 8    | 5      | 13.89% | 41.67%  | 58.33% |
| 9    | 4      | 11.11% | 27.78%  | 72.22% |
| 10   | 3      | 8.33%  | 16.67%  | 83.33% |
| 11   | 2      | 5.56%  | 8.33%   | 91.67% |
| 12   | 1      | 2.78%  | 2.78%   | 97.22% |


  • A struct used to hold the information about a dice distribution.


  • Parses and evaluates Strings with dice notation.
  • Calculates all the possible roll combinations for a given dice string.
  • Calculates the complexity of a roll. This counts the total number of possible dice combinations. This is usefull if you want to make sure a dice roll is resonable to calculate before trying it. The best use case for this is if you are taking user input. if a user tries to calculate the distribution of “8d10” the there are 100,000,000 possible dice rolls. Calculating a distribution on this would take a very long time.
  • Calculates how many times each roll could have rolled to show the distribution.
  • Takes a distribution and calculates the chance to roll every value