Crate dessert [] [src]


A package to simplify custom SerDe Serialize/Deserialize traits. Instead of defining the traits Manually, define an intermediate struct/enum as well as the From and/or Into traits necessary. Desert will take care of generating the Serialize/Deserialize traits for you.


For example, de-serialising by renaming a field:

// proc_macro can't be tested in documentation  comments.
use dessert::{ViaDeserialize};

#[derive(ViaDeserialize, Debug)]
struct FrenchToast {
    ingredient: String,

struct Intermediate {
    val: String,

impl From<Intermediate> for FrenchToast {
    fn from(b: Intermediate) -> Self {
        Self { ingredient: b.val }

let serialized_string= "{\"val\":\"Butter\"}";
let v: FrenchToast = serde_json::from_str(serialized_string).unwrap();
assert_eq!("FrenchToast { ingredient: \"Butter\" }", format!("{:?}",v))

You can use cargo run --example deserialize for a full working examples


The struct you want to serialize must implement Clone (looking at lifting this restriction) and should implement Into<Intermediate>. Intermediate must implement serde's Serialize.

Use #[derive(ViaSerialize)] and #[via(Intermediate)] to automatically derive the serde Serialize trait.

// proc_macro can't be tested in documentation  comments.
use dessert::ViaSerialize;

#[derive(ViaSerialize, Clone,  Debug)]
struct FrenchToast {
    ingredient: String,

struct Intermediate {
    val: String,

impl Into<Intermediate> for FrenchToast {
    fn into(self) -> Intermediate {
        Intermediate { val: self.ingredient }

let v: FrenchToast =  FrenchToast{ingredient:"Butter".to_owned()};
let ser = serde_json::to_string(&v).unwrap();
assert_eq!(ser, "{\"val\":\"Butter\"}")

Try cargo run --examples serialize



use #[derive(ViaDeserialize)] to automatically implement SerDe's Deserialize traits via an intermediate datasctructure. Your struct must implement From<Intermediate>.


use #[derive(ViaSerialize)] to automatically implement SerDe's Serialize traits via an intermediate datasctructure. Your struct must implement Into<Intermediate> and Clone.