Crate desaturate

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This crate aims at reducing the coloring of rust functions, by simplifying the process of creating functions which functions both as async and as blocking functions. This is performed with the Desaturated trait, which implements IntoFuture and Blocking, depending on which feature flags are set.

The idea is that a desaturated function can be created by combining the async color with the blocking color, as such:

use desaturate::{Desaturated, IntoDesaturated};
fn do_something() -> impl Desaturated<()> {
    async {
        // Do something here
    }.desaturate(|| {
        // Do the same thing here

Now, this doesn’t reduce code duplication, per se, but it can enable it, especially when used with the desaturate macro. This allows us to create functions like this:

use desaturate::{desaturate, Blocking};

async fn do_the_thing(arg: i32) -> i32 {
    arg * 2

async fn do_something(arg1: i32, arg2: i32) -> i32 {
    do_the_thing(arg1).await + do_the_thing(arg2).await

fn main() {
    let result = do_something(5, 10).call();
    println!("I got to play with the async functions, and got {result}");

This also takes care of lifetimes, so you can make functions which track (or ignore) lifetimes.

use desaturate::{desaturate, Blocking};

async fn add_1(i: &mut i32) -> i32 {
    let old = *i;
    *i += 1;

fn main() {
    let mut value = 5;
    println!("Counting: {}", add_1(&mut value).call());
    println!("Counting: {}", add_1(&mut value).call());
    assert_eq!(value, 7);

It can also be used on member functions, as such:

use desaturate::{desaturate, Blocking};

struct MyType<'a> {
    inner: i32,
    pointer: &'a i32,

impl<'a> MyType<'a> {
    #[desaturate(lifetime = "'a")]
    async fn get_inner_mut(&mut self) -> &mut i32 {
        &mut self.inner
    async fn get_pointer(&self) -> &'a i32 {



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