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§Dependent Sort
Sort by dependencies and groups.
For example, the instantiation order of parsed types, or the introduction order of packages.
Consider the following task dependencies:
flowchart TB
t0["Task 0"]
t1["Task 1"]
t2["Task 2"]
t3["Task 3"]
t4["Task 4"]
t5["Task 5"]
t6["Task 6"]
t7["Task 7"]
subgraph "Group A"
t5 --> t2
subgraph "Group B"
t6 --> t3
t2 --> t4
t3 --> t4
t6 --> t4
t6 --> t1
You can use the following code to parse the sequence:
fn execution_order() {
let mut tasks = DependentSort::default();
tasks += Task::new(&0);
tasks += Task::new_with_dependent(&1, vec![&6]);
tasks += Task::new_with_dependent(&2, vec![&5]).with_group(&"A");
tasks += Task::new_with_dependent(&3, vec![&6]).with_group(&"B");
tasks += Task::new_with_dependent(&4, vec![&2, &3, &6]).with_group(&"B");
tasks += Task::new_with_dependent(&5, vec![]).with_group(&"A");
tasks += Task::new_with_dependent(&6, vec![]).with_group(&"B");
tasks += Task::new(&7);
let sorted = tasks.sort().unwrap();
for task in &sorted {
println!("{:?}", task);
let ids = sorted.into_iter().map(|task| *task.id).collect::<Vec<_>>();
assert_eq!(ids, vec![5, 2, 0, 7, 6, 3, 4, 1])
Output the following construction sequence, and execute the same group of tasks together:
Task { id: 5, group: Some("A"), dependent_tasks: [] }
Task { id: 2, group: Some("A"), dependent_tasks: [5] }
Task { id: 0, group: None, dependent_tasks: [] }
Task { id: 7, group: None, dependent_tasks: [] }
Task { id: 6, group: Some("B"), dependent_tasks: [] }
Task { id: 3, group: Some("B"), dependent_tasks: [6] }
Task { id: 4, group: Some("B"), dependent_tasks: [2, 3, 6] }
Task { id: 1, group: None, dependent_tasks: [6] }
- Dependent
Sort - A topological sort of tasks with dependencies.
- Task
- A task or type who has dependencies and optionally belongs to a group.
- Topological
Error - Error type for topological sort