Crate deluge

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Deluge is (not) a Stream

Deluge implements parallel and concurrent stream operations while driving the underlying futures concurrently. This is in contrast to standard streams which evaluate each future sequentially, leading to large delays on highly concurrent operations.

deluge = "0.1"

This library is still experimental, use at your own risk

Available features

By default the library does not build the parallel collectors and folds. In order to enable them, please enable either the tokio or async-std feature.

deluge = { version = "0.1", features = ["tokio"] }


deluge = { version = "0.1", features = ["async-std"] }

Design decisions

This is an opinionated library that puts ease of use and external simplicity at the forefront. Operations that apply to individual elements like maps and filters do not allocate. They simply wrap each element in another future but they do not control the way these processed elements are evaluated. It is the collector that controls the evaluation strategy. At the moment there are two basic collectors supplied: a concurrent and a parallel one.

The concurrent collector accepts an optional concurrency limit. If it is specified, at most the number of futures equal to that limit will be evaluated at once.

use deluge::*;

let result = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    .map(|x| async move { x * 2 })

assert_eq!(vec![2, 4, 6, 8], result);

The parallel collector spawns a number of workers. If a number of workers is not specified, it will default to the number of cpus, if the concurrency limit is not specified each worker will default to total_futures_to_evaluate / number_of_workers. Note that you need to enable either a tokio or async-std feature to support parallel collectors.

use deluge::*;

let result = (0..150)
   .map(|idx| async move {
   .collect_par::<Vec<usize>>(10, None)

assert_eq!(result.len(), 150);



  • A stream of unevaluated futures eventually returning an element of the stream
  • Exposes easy to use Deluge operations. This should be your first step
  • Allows converting any type that implements IntoDeluge into a Deluge. Specifically anything that implements IntoIterator or is a Deluge itself can be converted into Deluge.